now my life would be mylot + yahoo and NO FAcebook

May 19, 2011 9:01pm CST
I am now limiting my online life with just mylot and yahoo. Mylot because I just can't leave this site for good. I did leave this for a while before but I missed Mylot. And I enjoy hanging around here. :) With Yahoo because some of my online jobs are there, but I won't be logging in at Yahoo messenger. Now I am limiting my socializing online only to these two sites. I hope I could do it and maintain it for the next 40 days this is a mission.
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12 responses
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
20 May 11
I guess FB is no longer that interesting after mylot, huh? I was very addicted to FB in the past, too. But, now, I just go there to see updates on my friends' lives and if there are messages for me. Mylot Rocks! \m/
1 person likes this
• Philippines
20 May 11
Yeah, same with me. I would just go to FB to check updates. Other than that, it's just boring for me now. Maybe because I have mylot that I find more enjoyable than facebook. :) I just didn't even think of earnings from mylot now, I just really love to hang around here. :)
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
20 May 11
Good for you. Earnings is a big reason why I am here.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
20 May 11
Oh I see. Well then, you got the right choice to stay here, Mylot is a very reliable and very good earning site while allowing you to socialize. :) Happy earning! :)
• Philippines
20 May 11
I've always had trouble leaving facebook. But I try to turn the chat box offline now. Well, I used to play some facebook games and now, facebook is just really for entertainment and for getting updated with my friends' lives. I have limited my online visits to other social networking sites as well especially since mylot is more promising than any other site. As for you, I wish you good luck with your mission for 40 days. It's going to be hard I suppose but as long as we stay motivated, anything is possible. With yahoo though, I'm quite not familiar with how you earn online through that site but as for mylot, this site is pretty awesome. Again, best of luck to you.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
21 May 11
Thank you for the encouragement. Yeah, it's a pretty tough choice, but if we're decided enough to do just one thing I believe we can. hehe :) it starts with a choice, then the action should follow. :) I haven't got any idea about earning on yahoo, but i heard some people do earn from there too. yahoo is really for my contacts with my clients of accounting online. hehe :)
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
20 May 11
Hi there, goodluck on your mission. I hope and pray that you would be able to make it. As for me, I am still visiting Facebook for a lot of reasons. First, I want to get updated with my friends' lives by checking the status, pictures, etc... Second, I am sort of addicted to Mafia Wars. Third, it makes me overlook my problems even just for a while. Good thing, I am good at multi tasking. I can do things all at the same time... In fact, I am on Facebook right now while responding into this topic... :) However, when classes resume on June, I won't be able to visit mylot everyday anymore. nyay!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
20 May 11
Oh good for you gracie. I am quite addicted with mafia before. I even stay late at night just to wait for the energies to replenish. And do jobs again. But now, I am refraining. It just makes me feel sick. Well, not really sick physically, but it consumes much of my time. I easily let the time pass without noticing it. And now I want to control my time. :) And right now, I feel like I want some changes in my online life. And maybe taking a step of refraining from facebook would be a good start. I might be back on facebook though but that's after I could figure myself out and sure enough I won't be addicted to it again. :) It would be sad if you don't hang around here on mylot by classes time. I hope you could manage though. Remember you are good at multi tasking. :)
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
20 May 11
Hehe! You got Mylot-fever too! But why you don't like to be on facebook anymore? I happen to love mylot and I can't take it for granted. I am using facebook because most of my colleagues and friends are in there. I hope your mission will come true. Happy Lotting!
• Philippines
21 May 11
Not total mylot fever though. I just love it here than there. I used to be so hooked up with facebook, but now I find mylot worth my time than facebook. and I want some changes in my life. And I have decided to take a step towards such a change. Thus I am refraining from using or hanging around on facebook. :)
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
20 May 11
I seldom visit Facebook nowadays, I only use it to check if there's a message from my friends. I often open My Lot than Facebook. I don't feel happy anymore setting statuses and using their applications. Anyway, My Lot is way better than Facebook, you can greatly express yourself and this site really makes me happy. Thank you My Lot and to My Lot friends.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
21 May 11
Ah, yes, I might log in on facebook after this mission but just to check updates and comments or messages from friends. Other than that, there's no more reason to stay there. :) for socializing, I would rather be here in mylot. I enjoy reading posts and responses as well as posting discussions and be informed of comments. :) Plus this is international, people from across the world. :)
• United States
20 May 11
Sounds like a plan and seems like you have organized and thought it through. Great and hope that it works out well for you. I do have a primary account in FB but to be honest for over a year I barely visit unless someone texts me did I see kind of deal and even then I sort of put it off. Something about it for me just lost interest there, and a bit before joining here. I am very glad to hear that you will be concentrating in myLot. Wonderful because myLot needs a lot of participating members. Good luck with your mission.
• Philippines
20 May 11
Ah yes, I was thinking of it couple of days now. I even posted "leaving facebook for Mylot" then again, I still visit facebook every now and then. but now I am excluding it from the sites that I will visit. hehe :) I'm gonna hang out in here more... :)
• Philippines
20 May 11
goodluck to your mission chuyins! creating habits (based on studies) take about 21 days. once you religiously make it on the 21st day, the rest of your 40-day mission will be easier. if you believe you can do it, you can. i don't have fb, so it's one site less to get hooked on for me. hehe
• Philippines
20 May 11
I am pretty hopeful. Thanks for the encouragement. :)
• Philippines
20 May 11
well., first thing is that you can earn a cent here per comment in myloy than in facebook. although both gives entertainment, the latter is really helpful since it can give you benefits while enjoying the site. at least i can refund here the payment i am giving in every rent that i spent during my surfing. lol!
• Philippines
21 May 11
Well, I stay on mylot not just for earnings but mostly because I get entertained at the comments and posts of people from different parts of the world. I am just delighted though, because mylot really knows how to reward their users and that's very beneficial to all of us lotters. As such I have chosen to hang around with Mylot than facebook. :) And well, yeah you are right, we can earn here for our activities which we could even use as payment for our internet usage fee. haha :)
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
24 Jul 11
Hi Chuyins, So am I, I have limited my online social networking more. I would say for me its just Mylot and I left yahoo quite long back and Facebook just recently. I really feel am so addictive to Facebook and wasting my precious time unnecessarily.
@stylewaves (1060)
• India
23 May 11
Thats a awesome one and a Good thinking too , i would like to ask a small question , What will you do ,if you die within a minute you read this .... Will you complete your mission ? So don't limit your activities don't get bound to unwanted rules !
@xien2xien (1382)
• Philippines
20 May 11
Dear Friend, If this was your mission then i'm wishing you could do it for your own good, because i believe that you were a very responsible guy who knows what's good and what's bad for yourself, if you decided to do this i think you have all the good reasons behind this decision. Straighten your priority in order achieve all your goals.. then again goodluck my friend. xien2
1 person likes this
• Philippines
20 May 11
Hello Friend, thank you for such a heartwarming encouragement. Yes, I have some reasons behind of leaving facebook. I wanted to do this for the better. I want to break facebook addiction and want to focus much on things that matter and things that I enjoy. You were right I have to straighten up my priority to achieve my goals. :) Thanks for wishing me luck. I hope all is well with you too. God bless. :)
@jhayj81 (149)
• Philippines
20 May 11
your a good decision maker. Leaving facebook is good. You can now concentrate on mylot that gives us opportunity to earn online. for me. I used 10% of my time for facebook. Just for connecting with my friends and family circles. 60% for online money making and 10% searching the web and managing my payment cards and online one Well for you sir. Thats good so that you can concentrate earning. Happy lotting sir.
• Philippines
21 May 11
First of all, thank you for those compliments and well wishes. It encouraged me to go on with the mission. Well, I am not really good at decision making at times, but now I am starting to take a step towards change. There's nothing I could achieve if I won't take a step closer to where I want to get. Second, I would also want to focus on my job, and yes, concentrate on earning online, not just here on mylot but also on my online accounting jobs. And lastly, I want to control my time, I don't want it to just slip it off without me knowing it. :) Happy mylotting too my friend. God bless you! Have a great life! :)
@jhayj81 (149)
• Philippines
21 May 11
Thanks for that friend. Take care.