Why Birds can fly but human beings can not ?

@Ganesh44 (5547)
August 7, 2011 3:42am CST
Dear Friends You may laugh if you feel like ......... When I see birds i think they have got two extra feathers that we dont have but we too can make feathers artificially ......... But we cant fly with such artificial feathers ? What do you think why birds can fly and human cant even we can make artficial feathers same like birds have ? Hare Krishna Ganesh
3 responses
7 Aug 11
You have to understand that it's not just due to the feathers that birds can fly. They have light weight bones unlike us that enable them to fly through the air. More importantly, they have very powerful chest muscles which we humans lack. They also have this bone called the furcula or wishbone which gives added strength for flight. Its just anatomically impossible for man to fly. Sucks to be us:(
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
7 Aug 11
yes I do agree with you its not just feathers but everything inside their body supports them to fly we cant change our body to that of bird..........just adding feathers won do......better to fly using plane...... Hare Krishna Ganesh
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
7 Aug 11
Since your discussion under the interest of laughing I will try my comments also in a little funny or laughing. That's the power and magnefient of the creator of human and birds - other can fly but others unable to fly, not only in flying there are many more deffirence between the two - we against birds are both with own deffirent capabilities. But if you are fun in watching movies life superman and others flying heros, they are not need any feathers but they can fly more a birds...
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
7 Aug 11
yes interesting reply my next discussion would be why superman and spider can fly rest of human being can not lol just joking ....... Yes I agree both are given different capabilities by nature/God in no artficial way human can fly like a bird .......... Hare Krishna Ganesh
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
but you know in our culture and tradition especially some beliefs in Philippines some humans can fly at night. Are you agree with me? Yes, becuase they beleived the night blood sucker or vamphire (local version). It is a lady (called in our language "aswang")in the night her body separated from her whist then her backside having a wings (like bat wings) and they fly like a bird. If you want to see watch a Filipino movie horror...
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 Aug 11
For the same reason that we stand upright and drive cars. Or it might be for the same reason that we cannot swim under the sea for extended periods of time. We are mammals of the highest order. We are meant to be just as we are just as fish and birds are meant to be what they are.