Do You Think US Should Ask China To Return Debris Of Anti Radar Helicopter From/To China ?Souldnt US has taken it back from Pak itself much earlier ?

@Ganesh44 (5547)
August 19, 2011 9:15pm CST
An anti radar helicopter a super war machine got destroyed in Pakistan while operation on Bin Laden ........ I was surprised why US did not collect the debris from Pakistan ?Debris is now given to china by Pakistan .......... Do you think US should ask china to return the debris of same helicopter it receieved from Pakistan? Hare krishna Ganesh
2 responses
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
20 Aug 11
Hi Ganesh, why US should ask China to return the debris of an anti radar helicopter which was destroyed in Pakistan. The debris of the war machine was given to China by Pakistan. US may ask Pakistan to return the debris of the helicopter. In this case China is not a party.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
20 Aug 11
yes I agree with you to an extent US may ask either but in my view it should take its helecopter debris back .......... Hare Krishna Ganesh
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
20 Aug 11
yes I agree with you to an extent US may ask either but in my view it should take its helecopter debris back .......... Hare Krishna Ganesh
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
20 Aug 11
yes I agree with you to an extent US may ask either but in my view it should take its helecopter debris back .......... Hare Krishna Ganesh
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
That maybe not matter to the US air force because the helicopter is a kind of failure and not bother to them if pakistan sell it in junk shop to China. China, really interested to buy that one to imitate it. Because we know China, really the greatest imitator that maybe the reason they are interested in getting the debris of the said copter...