Friendship till the End

September 19, 2011 6:53am CST
Friends may come and go, but what is a real friend means? Actually, I do have lots of friends and am fond of chatting with them. However, real friends will be there for though life's ups and downs. Real friend will never leave you when you have a problem and will lean his/her shoulder to cry on. Someone who will love you unconditionally despite of your negativity.
4 responses
@GemmaR (8517)
19 Sep 11
I have a lot of friends, but I think that there is a very big difference between your friends who you just hang around with every now and again, and those friends who you will be with for the rest of your life. I have three friends who I have known since I was in high school, and we meet up every couple of weeks on average. I am happy that this is the case because I got very close to them while I was at school, and I think that it is nice to be able to keep in contact with some people from your past as it reminds you of times that you really used to enjoy when you were younger.
• India
19 Sep 11
ya actually true friend can be understood when you have problem that time you will come to known who is your true friend. True friend does not leave you in any condition. And many friends are just for time pass for the situations.
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
hello, Yes, friends are those who we can talk to on whatever situations. I also have many friends but they are not the one who I can treat as the real one. I can say that I keep to bond with them but I never come to think that I will tell them everything about myself. Well, I have my best friends and they are the one who really know me and who really understand my attitude as well. Though we only seen each other in some occasions we never lost communications and still love being with each other. They know who I am and I also know who they really are.
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Indeed! Friends may come and go but only the real one will stand with you during the storm and during when you are in pain! :) They will scold you like a parent but they really the craziest people you know! :D