I Lost My Self Confidence

September 22, 2011 11:52pm CST
I'm not a go getter but somehow I have my share of talents and achievements. I always have believed in myself and what I could do. But this is not enough for me to go apply for a position in my present work. My previous mentor pushed me one day to go apply for a trainer position. He boosted my morale and said that I have a good edge because I have my teaching experience. Half-hearted, I applied for it and I know I did my best. I'm a good sport, so when I didn't get the job because according to my friend I'm too soft spoken to be a trainer, I let it go and charge the whole idea to experience. But ever since then I never felt that competent anymore. I feel more disappointed when I encountered one of the persons they chose for the position I previously applied. I can't say she's not competent, she has the drive but I feel she has more to learn. But yet again, I began feeling inferior. I started becoming quiet and detached to people. I started doubting what I can do. That's probably why I never ventured applying for a any other position because this will be the result of it. How I'll bring myself together again? Any suggestions? Thank you.
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2 responses
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
You need to understand your strength and own it. Get the fear out of your mind. Fear usually cripples. To be brave does not mean having no fears. But being brave means doing things that you are afraid to do. Base your values and principles on what is right and the truth. Do things that is right even though you fear being ostracized or being rejected. Accept rejection as a challenge. Each person is special. Believe that you are special. Good luck!
• Philippines
28 Sep 11
That's very true. I feel a bit better by what you said. Thanks for responding and happy mylotting.
• Philippines
12 Nov 11
Glad to be giving comfort. I may not be able to affect all people of the world. But I hope I'll be able to touch lives even on the simplest way I can. Thank you for the feedback. You may not know it but your comment makes me feel good too. Have a nice day!!!
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
I am not the one to lecture on uplifting self-esteem. I also is very low in that category. I want to let you know you are not alone. Hope I can learn to from this discussion.
• Philippines
28 Sep 11
Thanks. It's good to know somehow I'm not alone on this kind of problem. Right now I'm taking everything one at a time, humble myself, and try to discover more of what I could do.