How necessary do you think the gore is on Halloween?

@stary1 (6612)
United States
September 26, 2011 3:41pm CST
Does anyone remember Casper the friendly ghost Seems to me there is more blood and guts and gore every year on Halloween. I guess the horror movies have helped promote this but I wonder how it affects the litle kids? Adults get a certain 'charge' out of seeing the gore and I also wonder why? Is it facing our worst fears and making fun of them??
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10 responses
• United States
26 Sep 11
I remember Casper. I think the blood and gore is a must have for Halloween. Even when I was younger I loved Chucky, and Child's Play. When I was younger I watched tons of bloody movies like, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street., Freddy vs. Jason, and many more. I think that if parents don't want their children watching them then just don't let them. There are plenty of Halloween movies for children in the video stores. Parents just have to go rent them or buy them for their children. I think there could never be too much blood and gore, it makes the movie that much better. The more the better.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
27 Sep 11
Oh yikes..Chucky gave me the creeps too I didn't let my kids watch any blood and guts horror but they checked them out when they were older..and then I think it's not so bad.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
27 Sep 11
I think you are right...and they probably sneeked some movies in at friends homes and didn't tell Does anything every really frighten you? I still get creepy feelings over the Fog...
• United States
27 Sep 11
I think sooner or later they will see it so when they get to the age of around 12-13 then they should be allowed to watch them. I have been watching them ever since I was young I loved them and still do.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
27 Sep 11
especially those movies in titled: "HELL BOY" hehehe
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
27 Sep 11
Yikes I don't know that one...
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
28 Sep 11
If an angel turn to satan someday.... therefore, a devil that turn to a good angel like "Hell Boy"
• United States
28 Sep 11
I think you may be getting the wrong idea of the movie. It's about a group of people that are different from the human race. They use their abilities to do good and save people. Hell Boy is not a bad kind of devil. It's showing that whether people are different or not, it doesn't make them all bad people. I do not believe in "angels" or "devils".
• Grand Junction, Colorado
26 Sep 11
I wonder how it affects the little kids? I went all out one year with decorating for Halloween. I dressed myself up as a witch with the green face, no warts or blood, but my dress was all black and the big pointy hat. I had bails of hay out front with a stuffed dummy with a scary mask. Cob webs with big black spiders and the fake cemetery in the yard. I had skeletons on sticks all the way up to the door. I actually sat under the tree at my front door with a big witches cauldron with dry ice (water poured on it gives of the appearance of mist) in it to have the fog affect. Scary music was playing from the window, with screams and creaking doors, ect... The majority of the children loved it, but a few very small children were very frightened and wouldn't even come up to me. I think that it depends on the gore. I'm not into the fake blood stuff and never allowed my children to dress like that. My mother never allowed it either. My kids love scary movies, but weren't allowed to watch them when they were young, not until they were into the teenage years. Well one of them doesn't like them still. It has been difficult with the last child. She sees things that I wouldn't have allowed with the older children but due to the age differences it's inevitable;e that she sees it now. In fact she wants to be the bride of chuckie this year. I'm doing my best to talk her out of it, but am loosing the battle. I do think that parents must be responsible in what they allow their children to see. If your child is easily scared then it's the parents responsibility to explain to the child how fake it all is. Our youngest has been taught and told that movies are make believe they stem from a story that someone wrote, a warped mind absolutely, but that all the stuff that looks like blood is fake. The arms and legs being severed is fake, the screams are fake. The stabbings are fake. Hollywood is great with special affects and making something appear to be real but it just a "good show" if your into those movies. I'm not and never watch any of them. I hate the parents that put on scary masks and scare their small children.
• Grand Junction, Colorado
26 Sep 11
Sorry, Yes I remember Casper. In fact we have several movies. The one that comes to mind is Casper meets Wendy. The moral would be that just because your different doesn't mean you can't come together for the common good. My kids always loved Scooby Doo and we would watch those leading up to Halloween.
• Grand Junction, Colorado
27 Sep 11
I enlisted my husband a few weeks ago to keep an eye out on bales of hay for me. Since he travels all over the state and comes in contact with so many figured he could get me a few at next to nothing, or possibly even free. Although I don't think they are all that expensive. Still if I don't have to buy them it's more to spend on something else. I don't have all those decorations anymore got rid of them when we moved into the apartment. Will slowly start acquiring new Halloween items. Yeah, yikes on the bride of Chuckie. My youngest owns just about every Scooby-Doo movie and TV seasons available on DVD. We watch them all the time. It was my favorite cartoon when I was growing up.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
27 Sep 11
beaniefanatic13 Your decorations and graveyard scene sounds absolutely awesome bride of chuckie ?? It's hard when they are set on something. I agree parents are to comfort and keep things real with their kids, nit scare them. That is something nightmares are made of... Oh yes..I remember Scooby Doo What a character..
@Angel3yes (455)
• United States
28 Sep 11
I actually am still a fan of many of the kid's halloween specials like hocus pocus and such and I've never been one to steer towards the gory movies but when the Saw series came out, that all changed for me. They were so realistically gory and zereoed in on many things that everyday people are scared of the most. I found them completely riveting and I became a serious fan of the series.
• United States
1 Oct 11
I can't believe you haven't heard of the saw trilogys. Are you from the United States because they are huge over here. It's basically a serial killer that puts people in impossible positions so he never really kills anyone, they either kill themself or save themself from situations. It's actually a really good set of movies.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
28 Sep 11
I have not heard of the Saw...yikes is that as in sawing off body parts ???
• United States
1 Oct 11
Stary1- WOW! You've never heard of the SAW trilogy. That's a shocker. It's an awesome trilogy and I recommend you watching it if you're into the gory movies. I can never watch them enough. Even though I have already seen them I will watch them just. I absolutely love SAW. Angel3yes- I'm a huge fan of the SAW trilogy as well. I remember watching one of them in the theaters (can't remember which one) but it was awesome on the big screen. I haven't seen SAW V yet but I want to. I also heard there is supposed to be a SAW VI and SAW VII. I don't know if it's true or not but if it is then I will definitely be watching them when they come out.
@marguicha (217118)
• Chile
26 Sep 11
When I was a girl we bought magazines with Casper as the main character. Now masks as horrible and expensive and parents get in the race for horror and buy all sorts of bloody costumes. I´m not fond of Halloween although I had fun with it when I lived as a child in the US. But now Halloween has come to my country as another cultural colonization and our own witches and ghosts are disappearing from the mind of the younger generation. It happened with our national food and it is happening with our culture. Sorry. I changed the subject. But I do think that we all liked to dress with costumes when we were small, but it would be better an international day where angels, princesses and elves could be seen on the streets.
@marguicha (217118)
• Chile
27 Sep 11
I love corny things that make me cry and each time I´ve gone to Disney, I go to see the dolls from all over the world
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
27 Sep 11
Oh what a lovely idea..having angels and elves as an International Day..we could call it World Peace Day
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
27 Sep 11
I love the dolls too..It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small small I will be humming tht all day now...
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
27 Sep 11
I always thought Halloween was a holiday for kids to dress up as their favorite Halloween character and go trick or treating with their neighborhood. But now, when Halloween closes in, there's always a new horror movie filled with blood and gore out in the cinemas. have you realized that? I thought it was suppose to be an innocent day for kids to get sugar high during the night. But now, kids are accepting the idea of blood and gore and it's really unappealing. I really want those innocent Halloween days back.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
27 Sep 11
Triple0 That's what I am saying too..every year it gets bloodier and more gory as one film tries to top another in fightening people. LOL I remember reading that when the Exorist came out and people supposedly were fainting and running out of theaters..good grief it's not even that scary.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
27 Sep 11
HellsButcher27 I find it fascinating that some love it..and I still wonder why??
• United States
27 Sep 11
I understand what you're saying. As I was growing up Halloween was mostly blood and gore. I grew up in the projects and seen a lot of stuff happen so it didn't affect me since I have seen a lot worse. As I got older I started liking Halloween a lot more since it is a darker time of the year. I loved to walk the streets at night with my friends and just try to find something to get into. We were into mischief like a lot of people are. Halloween will never be as innocent as it was when I was really young. I loved it then but I love it even more now.
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
27 Sep 11
Necessary? No. But as the kids get older and more mature, the costumes do. Which is when blood and dismemberment and other "gross" ideas come into play. Most kids go through anaphase where they're fascinated with the morbid. Younger kids still tend toward the cartoon characters and classic Halloween costumes. As far as movies, hollywood has always released a new scary movie around Halloween. Tv has always showed horror films around Halloween. Tv has also always shown more kid friendly fare, like Casper, Grinch Night and It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. As for the gore in movies, it has nothing to do with Halloween. Somewhere along the way, movies like the classic Halloween where almost no visible blood, but a lot of scary ideas and suspense scared the bejesus out of people don't cut it anymore. People seem to want gore, so Hollywood gives them gore. Horror movies are released all year around.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
27 Sep 11
Makes sense...if people didn't love them they wouldn't make the horror movies...I just think they try every year to outdo the last one and so it beconmes worse and worse...but that seems to attract the public.. I just wonder if that's a healthy thing for society. Maybe some individuals are ok with it but as a whole does it desensitize society?
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
it is like saying that the first sin done by a man is "Not to obey what God said" yet that simple sin of Eve leads to today's present day heavy mortal sins of mankind like robbery, kidnapping with killing, date r4pe with capturing a videocam and send to internet, even twin towers collapsed... so... Halloween in a basic and none-bloody children character mascots leads to Jason Vorhees and Freddy Krueger....
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
28 Sep 11
I get tired of the gore, especially now that there seems to be more spooky stuff than fun fall festivals. I more about pumpkins, candy and mums - I loved Casper!
• United States
26 Sep 11
I think the gore on Halloween is terribly overdone. As a matter of fact we have plenty of it year-round in our movie theaters and on television every day. I think that it molds peoples' minds and has created a lot of the problems we have today. I would much rather Halloween be a time of Fun and Happy make-believe rather than gore and horror. If there was any way to change it, I'd help lead the group!
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
26 Sep 11
I agree and Halloween seems to bring the horror Scream and Chainsaw Massacre are really out there
27 Sep 11
i remember halloween as a tradition in our house of who we could scare every single year it was me gran and she fell for it lol.. but some of the scarey movies i remember the most is nightmare on elm street which was scary enough when it first came out, but some of the film`s nowadys which are made i wound`nt even contimplate watchin! any one remember any of there first scarey movie, and the effect`s it had on them?
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
28 Sep 11
I remember seeking parts of Nightmare on Elmstreet...Creepy stuff. My scariest is still the FOG