Can Apple Inc without Steve Jobs restore its golden era

October 8, 2011 7:27am CST
As the Apple's and ex-CEO Steve Jobs dies at the age of 56 from pancreatic cancer can Apple Inc restore its golden era without Steve Jobs????????????
3 responses
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
8 Oct 11
I think so,Steve jobs (with the he have done in Apple) will serve as inspiration and motivation for them to work harder and restore its golden era.
• India
8 Oct 11
You are absolutely right and he will always be an inspiration for them to work harder and restore its golden era
@omchesunche (1755)
• Indonesia
8 Oct 11
Why not? Many company still exist even without their founder?like Benz the auto manufacture, they still exist and getting strong long after the founder passed away..Apple has tremendous product and I think they will get golden era if stay focus on innovation,
@allknowing (130540)
• India
8 Oct 11
Men may come and men may go but Apple will go on forever. I wonder if Steve Jobs was involved after floating the company and that is what great CEOs do. They always think of the possibility that should they die how best can a company run.