changing phone numbers regularly..are you one of them?

@amelly (1554)
November 1, 2011 8:13pm CST
i hate it when my friends change their phone number, and for god sake, if it is only to get the nice number or just for fun,i think it is stupid! it's okay if someone stalk you..and you want to change it but do inform others because sometimes when there is an will cause a big problem if you cannot call the person you want to because he/she change number...
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14 responses
@kyrararen (601)
• Indonesia
2 Nov 11
I would like to say that I am not one of those who like to change their phone number. but the fact is. I have several times changing my phone number. my first to my seventh were because all of them were asked by my parents. they were too lazy to get their own number and instead told me to give them mine and buy a new one for myself. and I have also lost my phones only one of them due to my recklessness but the rest were stolen, 2 damaged after soaked in washing machine. so i cant avoid not to change my phone number.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Nov 11
woah..that's a lot well,,sometimes parents do depends on their child right? kinda pity you
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
7 Nov 11
ouw..really.. parents are the same too especially my dad..
• Indonesia
6 Nov 11
LOL yeah it was quite a number of numbers. mmm, I think they were just too lazy. when they changed their phone because theirs were damaged they asked mine again complete with number attached. so yeah I think they were just lazy. and no problemo. my friends kinda use to it. and they know how to reach me aside through my cell.
@edbalre (36)
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
in my opinion why some other people regularly change their phone number for to reasons (1) they hide something or somebody (2)lost their cellphone.,
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 11
yeah... if that is the case that i think no biggies.. but still it is kinda hassle isn't it?
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 11
hahaha...totally like that one!
@joni1215 (394)
• United States
2 Nov 11
Or to avoid bill collectors
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
I have always stick to my old mobile number up to now. Despite having a prepaid sim, I see no need for me to change my sim card and my number as well. I do have added another number for a good reason... since most networks offer different sorts of free calls and unlimited texting so I bough one with the same network that my friends commonly use. But I have always maintained my old number considering that many of my friends can contact me from there. I have also linked my mobile number to a variety of accounts so I can use it for my mobile banking as well as my debit card. Changing my sim with another mobile number will surely be a hassle for me.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Nov 11
yeah.. you can change to different network but using the same number.. i think that is a pretty smart way...right?
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
2 Nov 11
I do not want to change phone numbers, if not forced. I've several times, changing phone numbers, because of requests from my husband. But, if there is no one thing, a force to change phone number, I would not change phone number.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 11
hey there indah.. don't change will just make you life difficult
• Indonesia
6 Nov 11
agree with that. changing numbers would make your life a bit more complicated. well and annoying sometimes.
@eljayo (1105)
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
Hi! I'm having a problem about this in my phone book because of some people who keeps on changing their numbers.I think it is very hassle to do this because you will keep on texting people that you change your number and some won't recognize you if you text or call them. I don't want to be like them and I have no plan either.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Nov 11
don't be like one.. we are the kind of people that use the same me i don't think i will change my number even for the next 5 years..!
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
I also have friends who always change their numbers which is quite irritating sometimes then later on they use their old number again.You don't know which of which will you call or text.I haven't change number unless it is broken or failed to use already.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Nov 11
yup.isn't it kinda irritating when someone change their number and then they change it back to the old one?
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
people change numbers for a number of reasons, and yes it could be because they want to stay out of trouble, they want not to be reached by someone... and well i agree with you of course that there is a need to always inform people when a number is changed. I have changed my own number a couple of times myself too and well i always inform people especially if i want them to know i changed my number. if i don't... well that means i do not want that particular person to know my number. :D haha
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 11
i don't mind if they informed me first.. hehe...thanks for responding chiyosan!
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
2 Nov 11
Hahah...nice discussion now every company giving free sim so people like to change frequently sim but I have no such habit. But my brother has such habit I irritated because every time submit photo and document for new sim and I cant change my sim because this 5 years old and all teacher, sir called me when they need.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 11 celcom!
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
2 Nov 11
No, i'm not one of them. I only change my phone number one time since i first bought a cellphone. I understand that some people attracted by the service that other phone provider offered and they change their number to get cheaper rate or better package, i just wish that goverment can regulate so that phone owner don't have to change their number to change their cellphone provider. A while back there's a discussion in my country about planning a regulation where a cellphone owner can keep their number when they decided to change the provider, but until today there's no follow ups from that discussion.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Nov 11
yeah..i think it is better if we do not have to changa our number for the sake of the phone plan..
@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
2 Nov 11
I can be with only one phone number for as long as I live in a house or an apartment. I never had the necesity to change my phone number and I was happy , when I was moving and in some areas We could keep the same number , this way I didnt have to call everybody and tell them my new number . Now I dont use the phone much anymore I dont have that many friends in here. I had a fried in my country that changes her number very often, I really dont know the reason but is anoying everytime I called her didnt work, ohhh I hated it.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 11
me too... then you can still keep in touch with other people easily.. i still used my number that my aunt give me since i was 12 till now...19.. me to..i really hate it when i cannot contact my cousin.. esp when i knew she changed her number before sh told me..sigh
@joni1215 (394)
• United States
2 Nov 11
I know some people like that. I have some I can hardly ever get ahold of because they change numbers and don't tell everyone. Most of these are folks who have a local service, they don't pay the bill on time and it goes just enough past due that they have to change numbers because their old one is no longer available. I think it's insane. Why get so many options on your service that you can't pay the bill? Quit giving the number out to every guy or gal you meet. It's not rocket science lol..
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 11
yeah.. im totally with you.. you got your points there
@br3ndy (468)
• Indonesia
2 Nov 11
Yeah i very agree with you. I also never changed my phone number except if i lost my number. I dont want to changed the number because if there are something urgent then nobody can contact us. I also have some friends who likes too change their number and because of that i hardly can contact him/her now. Well its nor really a problem if there are nothing important but when there are urgent matters i couldnt contact him/her at all.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Nov 11
that;s why i don't like to change phone number because to me it is a hassle
@curmont (343)
• United States
2 Nov 11
My sister is like that, she just ups and changes her number like every month. The thing is she never really accomplishes anything by changing the number because usually she changes it because she is mad at someone which happens like all the time she has a really short fuse but then she ends up forgiving them and giving them the new number anyway. So when her and her boyfriend or friends fight again guess what time for a new number again. It is so annoying because most of the time by the time she gets around to giving us all the new number the number is only good for a week or two and then she changes it again. I like never call her anymore I just wait for her to call me its just too much work trying to keep up with her numbers and when I really do want to talk to her just to call and get that stupid recording tell me the number is no longer in service it drives me up a wall.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 11
isn't it bothering to change phone numbers always? yeah...and it is hell annoying...
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
OOOOpss I thinks I'm one of them ! yah , I change my phone number almost regularly. I actually did not mean it but I always have to . I'm getting to much messages and some are not important, some are group messages and other pips just get my number to my friends and it annoys me so much ! I don't want to change but I'm careless , I always lost my cellphone , of course with it is my sim card . I needed to change again . CRAZY right !
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 11
hai there miss, can be annoying sometimes..i always wanted to get a new number but since i love my number so has a special meaning to me try not to be careless next time