Just got Back

November 2, 2011 8:33am CST
The internet has offered me a lot of opportunities to earn. And yeah, I am thankful that I learned about almost everything online income generating scheme. And now, I am doing so far online jobs. Which keeps me away from mylot. It somehow makes me miss mylot so much when I receive notifications on my email about my friends posting discussions here. So here I am now, trying to get back to mylot, at least once in a while. I should say, mylot has been part of my internet life before I got those online jobs that keeps me busy. And this is one way of saying to mylot, I missed "mylotting" and the discussions here with friends and mylotters. Just glad to get back here now.
7 responses
• United States
2 Nov 11
And myLot missed you while you were away!!! Glad you are back!! I do not get to spend as much time here as I used to either but I try to come on a few short times throughout the day. I am working so much that I can't spend a lot of time here either. It's kinda good because I am busy working - but sad because I really like mylot and would love to spend all day hanging out here!!
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
Wow, I am amazed you posted a comment that swiftly. lol. Thought no ones gonna bother to respond. lol. Anyway, I missed mylot really. The discussions and the people. WAaaaaaaah, so great to be back every once in a while.
• United States
2 Nov 11
Yes, I keep up with most of my discussions through out the day if I can. But some days I do not even have time to look at them to see if I wish to participate! But it's good to be busy!!
@aleic27 (161)
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
I also got back today since my online job has no assignments as of this moment maybe because of the occasion. I'm using mylot for searching the web and so far my points still stack up...
1 person likes this
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
Good for us now. I have lots of assignments on queue. But have been working the whole week and the whole day, so to take a break I logged in here. And just hang around a bit. Good to meet your here aleic27. :)
@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
5 Nov 11
chuyins123, I believe many of the members do share the sentiments with you here on myLot. However, I must admit that this response along with the rest may be coming a little delayed and not without a good reason, where the admin had been doing some upgrading works well and beyond their schedule. So yea, like you I am glad to be back again as well.
@allen0187 (58444)
• Philippines
3 Nov 11
hi chuyins123! glad that you're back here in mylot. i've been away from mylot as well. been super busy with work and some of my offline activities. my mylot notifications go back as far as september and it is onyl now that i've been able to respond to discussions. i got a couple of discussions that i wanted to start as well but i'll put that of for last or until i run out of discussions to reply to. lol! anyway, hopefully, all of us 'comebacking' mylotters find more time to post replies in discussions and even start discussions as well. i think that posting again in mylot is like calling old friends and chatting with them non-stop. hahahahaha!!! cheers!!!
• Philippines
3 Nov 11
Welcome back. Just like you my friend, I have been busy with other online jobs as well, but those were a just a few dollars I earned from taking some simple jobs. I've missed mylotting as well. I haven't been regularly on this site for a few weeks now. When I visit mylot, I don't stay that much anymore unlike before. I'm just curious though, what and where have you been working online? Would you mind sharing it with us?
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
3 Nov 11
Hello friend. For some reason i opened my mylot today and here you are writing your own discussions again. I've been gone too and won't be able to come back here for a little while. Don't know exactly what the reason is but all i know is that i find no motivation to write my own discussion anymore.
@allen0187 (58444)
• Philippines
3 Nov 11
hi toni! here's one name i haven't seen in awhile. how have you been girl?
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
3 Nov 11
It is good to see you participating in the myLot community again. Yeah, the real value of myLot is to communicate with wonderful people from countries and cultures around the world. My job keeps me very busy at times, and I would miss coming on to myLot some days.