Living on High Moral Grounds

November 5, 2011 7:03am CST
With the changing times and the constantly shifting fortunes of people as dictated by the ebb and flow of economics, many find it hard to cope with the demands of such phenomena. One consequence, we see the erosion of the moral fiber of the society, beginning with its basic unit, the family. The far reaching effects of this can be seen in the family's disintegration - the growing statics of juvenile delinquents, divorces or marriage break-ups, high crime rate, violence and the like are tell-tale signs that people's morality is going down the drain. And this is not at all good, for it makes human life more unbearable and chaotic as it already is. Morality is supposed to make life in society decent and acceptable, for it embodies the rules, values, and the principles of conduct that people ought to follow to live a pleasant, decent, and socially acceptable life. However, with modernity come different rules governing people's morality. and the level of such morality is measured based on the permissiveness of society- the more liberal society is, the lower the level of mortality becomes. With the increasingly challenging times and environment. Based on II Timothy 3:15-17, "You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do." We should base our conduct of life, our behavior, and our moral values on teaching of the Bible.
2 responses
@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
I have been observing teens nowadays how they carry themselves rudely and I do not see anymore from them the respect that must be given towards elderly. They act as if no more refinement when it comes to delivering their wordings, expressions. The youth, they say is the hope for the future but as I see it so many are lured into extreme passions. Even if they are educated, they live freely according to their own will without listening to what is right and without weighing the circumstances. They just jump without seeing what's in it. We as parents should inflict into their mind the fear of God,the good side of being descent in every aspect, the good stand of a good behavior. The parents are the roots that sustain healthy fruitful tree.
• Philippines
7 Nov 11
We need to protect and stand by in watching them as peer pressure leads them to go astray. It is very hard to fight the temptation at their age and so we need to always guide and remind them of moral and spiritual values.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
5 Nov 11
Many people have a religion which is very important to them. However many people those days don't have a religion but have their own moral code. I am that sort of person and I do good things. I eat a vegan diet because I care for the animals. I get on well with people and I am polite. In my home country some people are Christan. Everyone is meant do stay the right side of the law. Those that don't go to jail.