whats up with you, POLRI

police - the police picture
@adhyz82 (36249)
December 24, 2011 10:22pm CST
our police now get many critics..their approaching for facing the demonstration is really shocked us.. they are really surprising.. how they can make a brutality like that?? we are people, a civil people, and had no gun..and of course we are not your enemies.. why you must face us, and kill us like we are your enemies.. we are not enemies,,, iam really dissapointed with the approaching of POLRI when must to control the demonstration in Bima, NTB..it`s really not like our wish... sometimes i know you are human too..is easily frustrated when must face many demonstration and make you are tired because of us..but it`s your job..we had paid it and some of our money become your salary. how come, you reply what we give to the country with your bullet... we are not your enemies...
3 responses
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
30 Dec 11
A very difficult situation. But, we should not blame the POLICE. News on television, it really shows, POLICE made a mistake. But, I believe, POLICE not entirely, made a mistake. Because, people are also very difficult to control. We have to look at from two sides. Hopefully, the truth of the matter, can be immediately revealed.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
31 Dec 11
yes, in one side, what the Police reaction is to react what the people do.. and what people do, because they had no options for it, because the government never heard their voice..
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
31 Dec 11
The issue is very complicated. Hopefully soon found a way out, and not to blame. I hope, peace can be realized. Peace is Beautiful Violence makes sadness.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
2 Jan 12
yes, and tonight the team was created for searching the fact had given some fact to the Minister of Law, Politic and security affairs..
@neliasni (76)
• Indonesia
25 Dec 11
Yes. I understand you are disappointed, andmany Indonesianpeople are disappointed. I do not know, like whatshould be commented. Because, I do notknow the truth. Each party, have a defense. I only know of this incident fromthe television, and I do not know, where the news is true.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
26 Dec 11
dissapointed actually can`t change the situation. i think KAPOLRI must investigate and check about whats happen in that port.. why his man must shoot the people??
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
25 Dec 11
The problems come from the rekruitmens, they have been choosen not because they are qualified their psicho, mentals and temper. They have been choosen because they are qualified in funds. The become a police not because of "call of duty" but more because "call of money". Neither did the other govermental officers, not all but most of.