First time having a conversation with the president of my work, quite nervous

United States
December 27, 2011 4:08pm CST
Quite surprisingly, I was at the bathroom this morning during work, and the President of the company also came in, and say hello to me while he was standing next to me in front of the urinator. I was caught surprisingly, and say "hello, sir". Then we started the conversation about the Christmas days. I told he that "It was a good holiday, I spent most of the time with my family, kind of reunion". He also told me the same, and we conversed quite a bit. But internally, I was quite nervous, afraid to say something offend him not intended. Luckily, it was quite a good conversation though. And I knew this person is a nice, and easy - to - talk - to kind of person. It was quite an experience that I never thought it would happen.
3 responses
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
That's a nice experience not all ordinary employee can talk to the president of the company.
• Philippines
16 Feb 12
If I were in your shoes I will get nervous too. I will be afraid or might just leave the comfort room instead since the person next to me is powerful one. I rather be or keep humble than talking with them. I admire your presence of mind because when people are nervous their common sense is not working fast but with you it seems you really know what to do but you cannot avoid to feel nervous. Good thing that you know your boss’ face because some, even if they are working in a big company, they hardly know the boss’ face as some of the boss are not visiting the company and always on business trip. Also, some of the boss’ do not just normally converse with their employee since they like to think they are superior. I am glad that your boss is humble too and they like to know their employees. I think you have a good relationship and working environment there in your work place. Keep it up.
• Malaysia
28 Dec 11
Thats a good sign. I also like if the President of the company is very friendly and with that i suppose the whole team will react the same. They say lead by examples. Afterall he is also a human, a father and a businessman.