New car or Used car??

@skyxie (63)
December 29, 2011 8:25am CST
If you have the same amount of money, what would you choose? Say you have $30k for now (example). What brand would you go to? Do you pick high spec car but from year 2005-2007 or buy new car but with lower specs.
2 responses
• Indonesia
29 Dec 11
I prefer to choose the used car with high performance than a new car with low specs. Only with $30 k....there's no new car with high specs....I love couple sedan and I can modify as I want like a new car.
@skyxie (63)
29 Dec 11
but again you have to think that the used car is USED CAR. they don't have warranty about their performance or what will happen in the near future. you will be lucky if you managed to choose good used car. however, i also thought to buy used car because of the budget, but then i'm worried about the problem that will happen in the near future.
@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
29 Dec 11
I'm not sure this discussion poll discussion or not, but I'm gonna answer it anyway When I want to buy a car ( new or used), I must consider price, performance and model. With limited budget like that I can't buy Ferrari or BMW but I think gonna buy new car with 2 simple reasons: 1. Maintenance cost three or more cheaper than used car 2. Tax. Usually used car had progressive tax. So even they look cheaper but actually having used car are expensive