Where are we heading to?

December 31, 2011 12:51am CST
Today, man is making progress at a faster pace in various fields of medicine, science and technology, agriculture, machineries,space research etc., A number of discoveries/inventions made in the last century have changed the very face of the society. All these were intended to give happiness and comfort to mankind, but the irony is that peace and Happiness are the only things seen missing in people's lives today. The reason being that along with everything else, unfortunaely, a rapid pace is also seen in degradation of social values and morality. It is true that money is required for physical comfort but in the course of this money race, all our real treasures and mental peace are lost. Due to this we have sacrificed our inherent qualities of peace, love, tolerance and have replaced them with anger, jealousy and greed. It is said that the God has made man more powerful and intelligent. But do we really deserve to be labelled next to God? Where are we heading to?
1 response
@ardieboi (195)
• Philippines
31 Dec 11
I say we are heading to our own demise. As you said, all this has bore greed jealousy and anger. Fighting has become more apparent. We will be the cause of our own extinction. Some argue that man is the only species that may be gone but will not affect the system of life. As i see it, we are causing more harm to nature than all the good we've done so far. Mankind needs to change, otherwise we will be our own demise.
31 Dec 11
Yes, we are making our own destruction as you said. The latest example being the massive destruction caused by earthquake, Tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan which is considered one of the most sophisticated and technologically advanced countries in the world. We have two choices now - either we clean up our act and become pure, or else drown in the whirlpool of destruction. Our future is in our hands, so let us take the decision fast and act upon it before the "Too Late' board is put up.
1 Jan 12
I think mainly the scientific and technological inventions are good to mankind. however men are going to far in pursuing this and lost ourselves. The nature cannot bear any longer and begin to punish us. What we should do is to find balance and harmony between nature and us. In the meantime, try to find peace and harmony among ourselves. We need more spiritual guidance now than ever!