writing from your heart

@farid01 (137)
February 20, 2012 7:18am CST
Writing is an expression of someone about his feelings as outlined in the form of strands words, writing can also solve the problem at hand even someone who used to be addicted to writing keep writing and writing. Sometimes a person will feel confused about what steps will he take without express it through writing, just by writing a settlement he can obtain a lot of problems. So how about you??for what you stay in here to writing??
6 responses
• India
22 Feb 12
One of the most important things that makes me to write here is that we can expres our opinion and all the members here are mutually respected and respect each other's opinions. There are almost all subjects to write on and hence it makes it very interesting. Also add the 1Cent per 1post factor and it also makes a very lucrative and attractive place to share all our opinions.
@farid01 (137)
• Indonesia
23 Feb 12
right that, write your opinions in here and you will get some advice for your friends. but you mustn't just write your problem in here but all about your think in your life because at many places have a different conditions. Please check and read my massage
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
yes, that true. I am fond of writing my ideas when i am inspire and when am sad. i always write them down in notes and even could write a poem when my mind keep on thinking. this would entice me to read a lot and this gives me a lot of ideas on what topics i wold suppose to write. well, here in my lot. the good things which makes me stay as i could experiences in life at the same time i could gives advices or makes some good comments.
@farid01 (137)
• Indonesia
21 Feb 12
yes you got it, hehe sorry but your comment is really right in here MyLot we can explain our writes, our opinions, our pomes, etc what is your feeling so you can always stay in here right?? in front of your cumputer everyday every moment to write it hehe, have a nice day with MyLot
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
20 Feb 12
I would write to share my valuable experience in life with everyone here, and my thought on particular subjects. Although sometimes I will encounter harsh criticism, as expected, I will take it as an advice. I hope that everyone can give me some good advice on my writing as well as everything else.
@farid01 (137)
• Indonesia
21 Feb 12
haha take it easy mw friend, sometimes be a harsh criticism of others because they think what we are doing it are on the wrong way in life, and sometimes criticism is going to hit but try to look at it from different sides so you will find that the real criticism is given to build yourselves toward better because sometimes there is someone with a new harsh ctiticism he would move to change the better
@cyclopz (251)
• Sydney, Australia
20 Feb 12
Writing is one way i could express the things that i usually could not express verbally. I actually have fun posting here in mylot because its not only a way for me to express myself but it is also anothey way for me to learn from other people about their poins and views on a ceratin topic. Just by reading the different posts and replies here we could see that each one had his or her own unique views in life. That is why mylot is the right place if you would like her other poeple's views.
@farid01 (137)
• Indonesia
21 Feb 12
this is a good site from many site I've found in here I can share with many people in around the world and get perspective of them with many kinds of ideas. so take it happy mw friend
@nyang1984 (464)
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
when i was a student i sometimes write though my english is poor. i wish i could write again...
@farid01 (137)
• Indonesia
21 Feb 12
if we will do whatever we must first setting up our mind to what we are doing it can be run in accordance with what we want, if you want to write again start from now on this day, and you can make it in this site
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
20 Feb 12
I love writing, especially stories and poems ... I find pleasure in writing articlesor share some ideas and opinions of others suchas Facebook and Twitter or here in MyLot
@farid01 (137)
• Indonesia
21 Feb 12
right that hehe, so your are poeter? I like it, so try make a poems in here, please all of topic