What kind of FanFiction stories do you like to read?

United States
May 20, 2012 3:28pm CST
What kind of FanFiction stories do you like to read? I like to read Twilight, Harry Potter, NCIS, Bones, Primeval, and a lot more. Do you like reading comedy, romance, drama, etc?
1 response
• United States
20 May 12
I personally love reading Twilight, Harry Potter, and any other fiction books. I can read some romantic books as long as they have a thrilling plot to it like Twilight. I know that is pretty sad that a guy doesn't mind reading Twilight but I honestly didn't mind it. In fact I got stuck into reading the whole series because I wanted to finish the whole story. Harry Potter was one of the first books that I read when I was kid that I really enjoyed. It was one of the few series I actually read all of the books. I also like a little bit of comedy as long as it some what thrilling to read. Mostly all of the books that I have read have their moments of funny. A little drama in books make things interesting.