Damned if you do damed if you dont

United States
June 19, 2012 1:03am CST
Why is it that the people in todays society that are doing wrong live the good life and the hard working people seem to be struggling the most?
3 responses
• United States
19 Jun 12
This is your point of view and you are entitled to your opinion; however, I see things from a different angle. Let me guess. You consider yourself one of the hard working people who is struggling in life. Is that right? What is your definition of doing wrong? Is it based on your religious beliefs? I feel that I fall into the category of people who work hard enough, I do my best to make healthy and positive choice and I live a beautiful life.
• United States
19 Jun 12
Hello I feel very blessed in my life when I state that I mean the people who rob those who are hard working etc I just moved into a brand new home and my house was broken into and everything was taken that is my example of people who do wrong and take from those who make a honest living
• United States
19 Jun 12
It really depends. Some people who live what we view as the good life have worked hard to get there. Those who have just had everything handed to them though, that's a different story. It may seem as though they have the better side of the deal, but they don't. At least we have life skills. If anything were to ever happen in the world, we'd be the ones to survive...The hard workers. What would the rich do if their money just disappeared and no skills remained?
@McCreeper (777)
• United States
19 Jun 12
I guess that's just how life is. Sometimes people who are good-nature'd do bad things to get up to a higher standard in life, even if that includes killing, stealing, or whatever morally unacceptable thing you believe in. Hopefully, it isn't all over the place that have this same influence; but do remember this: Everyone is flawed in some way. Churchill, Roosevelt, Reagan, they were many great leaders of the first-world countries. They were flawed before-hand, but Adolf Hitler was good nature'd, but what he turned out to be was for the worse.