Your discussion has been deleted..

July 15, 2012 9:06pm CST
Early this morning i received a notification from mylot stating that my previous discussion was deleted due to repeated topic. Had it ever happen to you?
3 responses
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
16 Jul 12
Yes, it happened to me before but since I have learned my lesson I avoid posting discussions that are meant to be deleted. Anyway, since you are new you should read the guidelines first. When I was new to mylot, I am like you too. Some of my discussions are deleted also. We should follow the mylot guidelines so that our discussions will not be deleted.
• Philippines
16 Jul 12
Thanks for the advice... surely i will...
@sether (38)
• Philippines
16 Jul 12
I think it happens a lot since Mylot wants the website to be clean from spam. I am not saying that your discussion was a spam since I don't know what topic was that all about. I have received about two notifications this month that my responses were deleted because the discussion was deleted. I guess we have to be more careful on posting topics and always use the search box for a topic that's on our mind. I am just new here so I haven't posted my own discussion yet but thanks because this give me an idea that I should post topics carefully.
• Philippines
16 Jul 12
I was sure that the topic really came from my thoughts...or maybe some had just thought about that topic earlier than i did... its awesome but i guess things like having the same thoughts happen..
• United States
16 Jul 12
No but I get a lot of notifications that my comment has been deleted because the discussion that it was in was deleted due to discussion guidelines violations. I just got done just a few minutes ago writing a response in a discussion. I hit post and it went blank and the usual notice appeared, saying that the discussion was deleted ha ha.