WARMest welcome

@Axai2012 (371)
August 5, 2012 11:14am CST
Today we are so glad to welcome an addition to our family our baby boy Leandre,son of my niece. Though he is not so well right now because he has jaundice, he is still be undergoing phototherapy. Hopefully, he'll come home in a couple of days. Can't wait to meet him.
3 responses
• United States
5 Aug 12
Aww, Congrats! Hope all is well with the baby.
@Axai2012 (371)
5 Aug 12
He still have to go for phototherapy for his jaundice. Hope all is well after a couple of days of therapy. Thank you musicluv4life.
• United States
5 Aug 12
Your welcome, He should be fine My best friend had a baby in April and he ended up with jaundice and i know a lot of people who have had baby's with this with today's technology He should be just fine!
@deazil (4730)
• United States
6 Aug 12
Congratulations! You are now a Great Aunt. He will be fine and you'll be able to hold him and kiss his little cheek very soon. Babies are so precious. You're lucky to have a baby in the family. They add new life and happiness to a home.
@Axai2012 (371)
6 Aug 12
Can't wait deazil. It does add so much joy. Thank you.
@Daisy_22 (1229)
• Philippines
7 Aug 12
How nice!Congratulation I hope you can bring him home...