Equality is For All

August 9, 2012 10:47am CST
Equality is for all creatures in this earth. Not just for humans but for animals as well. They must be respected and be given every right they deserve. But it seems that other people doesn't even care about that. One afternoon, as I ride on the bus on my way home, I saw a little dog, a very cute one in a distance. But as the bus went nearer the dog, I saw that its legs were beaten to the extent that the poor dog can't walk anymore. My heart was really aching. I sympathized the dog, but I can't be of any help to him since I was just a passerby. I feel so sorry for him. The endpoint is, we should not abuse the other creatures living with us. Like us, they too, are created by God to be in this world, so we should not be complacent with regards to our actions, we must be responsible.
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3 responses
@riyauro (6421)
• India
9 Aug 12
My heart like bleeds when I see animals hurt and treated bad. So it is obvious that I will feel for the humans too ..I wish people could be more alert and take care of the animals. Poor little puppy. thanks for sharing. have a wonderful day
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
I agree with you. I also had a neighbor who used to have a dog. Because we we're neighbors, I frequently see their dog and eventually be close to me. But unfortunately, they killed the dog. I cried so much. They were so rude. Just sharing. Have a wonderful day also.
@kongno (431)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
equality for all humans is plausible, but for all creatures?? i dont think it's a good idea, how can we treat a mouse that destroys our clothes equally as humans?
@Daisy_22 (1229)
• Philippines
13 Aug 12
Equality is not for all but equality is for equals. I will cite an example for you to make a difference.When we say equality is for all.would you allow your self as a teacher to be paid same as with the janitor?will the answer will be a big no. However same teacher should be paid the same. That's why i said equality is for equals...the same in profesion.