at least PKS support Foke Nara

@adhyz82 (36249)
August 11, 2012 7:03pm CST
if you are fans of Jokowi-Ahok, maybe you must be dissapointed.. at least, PKS support for candidate foke-Nara.. it means that Jokowi-Ahok will fight the combination several bigger party like Democrat, PKS, Golkar, PPP... Wow.. it means that foke nara is more favourite in the second leg...what do you think?? do you believe that Foke-Nara can win easily in this second leg?? or Jokowi-Ahok once again make surprised the candidates foke-Nara??
5 responses
• Indonesia
12 Aug 12
Im not surprised PKS finally chose foke-nara although it was a big dilema for PKS. PKS's candidate Adang darajatun lost to foke in 2007 and it cost them a lot. If we take a look at past relationship between PKS and Jokowi, Hidayat nur wahid from PKS was helping Jokowi to be Solo city major. But now why PKS side foke who is arrogant and always make blunder (black campaign, stealing the campaign start, "who did you elect, if you elect Jokowi go ahead rebuild in Solo", said foke infront fire victim. How impolite and arrogant!). Was it because Ahok? Was it because Jokowi refused PKS's request to give 3 strategic positions if Jokowi won the election? Im not surprise foke get a lot support from elite party, there is political deal related with money. But now lets wait the result and analyze it. 44% of total voters who has the right to vote in the 1st round was golputer, which means only 66% use their right to vote, from this 66% we got this result: 42% of the voters chose Jokowi, while foke only had 35%. So if those golputer decided to chose Jokowi, Jokowi still have chance to win. Its time for new era, its time to choose a figure not the party. Jokowi has prove it, although he is from PDIP but he wont let his party drive him, telling him what to do, remember Bibit the central java governor also from PDIP but he hates and envy Jokowi, remember TK statement called Jokowi as candidate without exact master plan. I think it shows that even Jokowi's party doesnt support him 100%. Why? Because Jokowi works for the people, the citizens not for his party. Jokowi choose his people as priority above his party. Now you see why many politic party doesnt want to side Jokowi? That's it! Because Jokowi will not let the party to control him. The second round is between people's voice VS party because most of party join together to side foke. But remember people wants reformation, people wants a good leader. Hope all golputer will use their voice to vote Jokowi.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
12 Aug 12
why you are not surprised?? do you believe the news about the wish of PKS for strategic position?? iam not sure..sometimes "the true news" is not true news... i confuse why PKS choose the candidates Foke-Nara?? is it because of the same religion or maybe money factors?? i think it is hardest fight for Jokowi-Ahok.. PDI-P and Gerindra must work hard..they are only having 2 bigger party mass..they hope PKS but PKS choose another candidates.
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• Indonesia
12 Aug 12
Jusuf Kala supports Jokowi since beginning, many people loves jk and i think they will follow jk's choice. So doesnt matter if all big party supporting foke nara. Jk is a big leader who has many loyal supporter, if you trust jk then you trust his choice and he choose jokowi. Jk adviced jokowi to participate in dki's governor election although jokowi said he doesnt have money. So now pks side democrat and foke nara, its okay. Rudy the vice city major of solo is a christian but pks did support jokowi- rudy, why they wouldnt support jokowi and ahok? Religion? Because ahok is a christian? But rudy is a christian too while jokowi is moslem. I think it is related with money, jokowi cant give much as mahar. . I hope jokowi become dki jakartà's governor and jk be the president 2014.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
12 Aug 12
it is first time i heard the news that JK support jokowi-Ahok..if the news is true, golkar voice will be divided..And it is the bad sign if many golkar cadre will follow what JK instruction than the party instruction.. why do you want Jokowi wants to be Jakarta governor?/ do you believe Jokowi and Ahok is better than Foke-Nara??
@Juliyan23 (600)
• Indonesia
13 Aug 12
Actually I really hope that PKS could support Jokowi - Ahok. But PKS said that actually they have asked Jokowi - Ahok for the coalition , but Jokowi - Ahok never gave PKS the answer neither the response of the offer. So , PKS must choose Foke - Nara instead of Jokowi - Ahok. I saw the news on metro tv yesterday. But I don't know was that true that Jokowi - Ahok didn't give any concern of they coalition with PKS . And it was true, why Jokowi - Ahok decided to be supported by other bigger party instead of PKS...I have been wondering this ..
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
13 Aug 12
why do you want PKS choose and vote for Jokowi-Ahok?? whats up with foke-nara??
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
13 Aug 12
so where do you live my friend?? jakarta is more complicated things than you believe he can be succesfully in Jakarta??
• Indonesia
13 Aug 12
why not? :D What's up with foke-nara? umm.. Actually I'm not citizen of Jakarta, are you? I do see the big result of Jokowi leadership in Solo. Yes, Jakarta isn't like Solo. Jakarta has more complicated problems and need an outstanding leader. And I don't see the significant result on problems solving of Jakarta by Foke as he had promised , don't you? I just think why not Jokowi show his ability and his promises? So, actually what you do you really wish? PKS choose Jokowi - Ahok or PKS choose Foke Nara?
• Indonesia
12 Aug 12
Once friend now enemy. Actually it is unbelievable. However, I do not think the incumbent can win easily. Because people get tired. They prefer new candidate and do trial and error once more.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
12 Aug 12
politics is unpredictable.. what do you think why PKS choose FOke-Nara??
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
12 Aug 12
i agree with eternal enemy or friend in politics.. when foke say like that "where the heck is your eyes"?? i maybe ever read his statement in several forum, who will be better for leading jakarta, the real jakarta people or newcomer from another place?? he asks several people for asking their opinion and giving their information that he is better than Jokowi because he is jakarta people..
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• Indonesia
12 Aug 12
In politic there is nothing called eternal friendship or eternal enemy, there is only one thing called eternal benefits. As long as the elite party gets benefits, it doesnt matter whether you were enemy or not. That is what exactly happen between pks and foke nara. Yes, although the big parties are join together to support foke nara, but dont forget it will be people who will vote. Its time to see the figure of the candidate not the party. Jokowi has so many achievement when he leads Solo, he is humble and down to earth, he can mingle with poor people unlike foke who is arrogant and rude, do you guys remember his statement "where the heck is your eyes?" Or " who did you vote, if you vote jokowi go ahead rebuild your house in Solo."
• Indonesia
12 Aug 12
I think it is disappointing because it turns out the major parties would prefer a coalition with Foke-Nara. I think in this coalition of the major parties are not aiming to make Jakarta better, but they want to get a seat in politics. With this formation, of course, Nara Foke more on favorites to win the second round. But that prediction, and because I wanted a change in Jakarta, I remain convinced Jokowi-Ahok will still win the second round of elections Jakarta. Indeed mate-Ahok Jokowi only supported by small parties but Jokowi said there is always a big coalition force to support it, namely the People's Coalition with Jakarta.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
12 Aug 12
why do you think that PKS announcement is dissapointed?? do you believe that Jokowi-Ahok will be lost in this second leg?? imagine that Foke-Nara gets another support from big party in the second leg
@redtesha (1773)
• Indonesia
12 Aug 12
well, there's many things was happen to Jakarta now. I hate politic and i think if everybody use their heart , they will choose Jokowi-Ahok. They are have been proven in Solo. They are great. If there's someone say Jokowi just can work at Solo, not in Jakarta, why they don't give them try? I hate Democrat, PKS, Golkar, they use their money to buy everyone. I just wish Foke lose again in this second leg. Democrat and Golkar too dirty, THEY corrupt all time and never give good thing to Indonesia. If Jokowi win this time, and become new Governor, and can prove they can fix Jakarta's problems such as pooe people, bad education, pollution and traffic jam, i think they can fix Indonesian's problem too like CORRUPTION. Good luck for Jokowi!
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
12 Aug 12 it means here there are many fans of Jokowi-Ahok..why many jakarta people dislike Foke-Nara?/ whats up with him?? do you believe Jokowi-Ahok will improve Jakarta to be better than Foke-Nara?? solo is different with Jakarta..and Jakarta is more complicated than it not difficult for Jokowi-Ahok??