Does heating or cooling your water give different properties?

United States
August 13, 2012 11:28am CST
I heard from my friends that heating your water will help you burn calories because it heats up your body so sweat comes out. It also makes your heart work faster. I heard that drinking cold water after a meal causes the body to store the food as fat. I'm not quite sure, but I would like to see what everyone thinks.
2 responses
• United States
13 Aug 12
It's actually the opposite. Drinking ice cold water will help burn fat since the body works harder to digest the cold water and you burn more calories. I think room temperature or warm water doesn't really do much to help burn calories or anything. Also, if you drink a glass of cold water before eating, you'll be able to control your portion sizes a lot better since the water has already filled you up a little.
• United States
13 Aug 12
I am going to try this. This makes sense because I remember I worked out one day and drank a lot of water and then when it was time to eat I could not eat as much.
• United States
13 Aug 12
Yeah, it's actually better for you to do that. Work out and then eat because your appetite won't be as big and you'll have smaller portions. Even if you don't work out before you eat, drink a glass of ice water which will still fill you up a little so you choose smaller portions
• United States
14 Aug 12
I know the drinking water before eating a meal part is true. I thought the cold water makes your food more unsaturated and therefore harder to break down.
• United States
13 Aug 12
I've never heard of this concept and I am not a doctor but I find it very interesting about heating water and drinking it to burn calories. It weird but at the same time it makes sense it will make you sweat but I don't think that is the best way to burn calories.
• United States
14 Aug 12
Well I'm not saying it's the only way to burn calories. It just does automatically when I think about it.