Ever wanted to write a book on your life?

United States
September 3, 2012 10:58am CST
Have you ever read a book of someones life struggles and thought I could and should write a book about your own life? I have had many events in my life that would make for a great book if it was written well. The downfall I have is trying to sit down and write this book, how to make my life appear on the pages that would be of interest to others and make sense to the reader. I might be able to write small discussion here but when it comes to writing the book my mind is at a blank as to how to proceed. How can one find the strength to write the events that have shaped their lives and to give the reader an insight into the proper setting of the book and not to be just a bore to the reader. There are so many books out there about the abuse one has endured but I do feel that if the right reader read the story of my life they to would be able to see there are others out there who have the same life. My issue is finding the right way to begin writing the book and how does one ever get it to print? Any thoughts?
6 responses
• United States
3 Sep 12
Hi! I've always wanted to write a book about myself too and love your idea! First, I recommend you just give yourself about 3 minutes and jot down everything interesting about your life. It can be sad, interesting, funny, romantic, etc... You get to decide that. These are your main ideas or topics. Do it now. After you do that, spend about a minute at each main idea point you put down and see if details can be added. Decide also if it should even be a main idea at all. In order to not be a bore to people, use very descriptive and moving words that mimic how you feel at that time. Think about that event very carefully as if you're reliving that event again. In addition, you genuinely have to move someone. Give an excerpt to someone to read. Choose someone who can be emotionally swayed and see if they feel your struggles and pains. Remember, in order to write this, you have to find the strength within you to go forward with this idea. If you need help, always ask someone to help you out. People may not say it all the time, but they are there to be your support to help you out. Trust in them to be your support and may they help you gain strength within yourself. I believe in you. Try using online websites that print and sell books. The only one off the top of my head is "blurb.com". Good luck and I hope to hear soon about your success!
• United States
4 Sep 12
Thank you for this information. I have read a few decent books on the lives of those who have written about the ordeals they have faced and overcome. I to feel that my life could hep, even if just one person, others and to allow myself to finally move forward with my life. I might have to start with a few short discussions here on this topic which I have done a small one on my addiction, even though it has yet to garnish a remark. I will look into blub and see what they do.
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
3 Sep 12
Hey thanks for sharing this lovely post. yes it would be awesome if we all would get a chance to pen down our experiences and get it printed in the form of a book. At least everyone can get a feel about how we all have struggled and made our way so far in our lives. our stories might also become an inspirational story for some. What say?
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
18 Sep 12
I want to also write a book on my own life before marriage life and after marriage life mix the combination. But not time to think on it. Lots of house hold chores then mylot addiction family problems etc.
• Greece
4 Sep 12
The best way to improve your writing skills and to learn how to write a book is to join a writing class. I joined one some time ago and it was a little scarey at first. I had never read my work aloud before or even shared it with family or friends. I was afraid of rejection. However the teacher was superb, the class helpful. It is important to have a good teacher, so do a little research before baring your soul. The pressure of homework and then sharing it really made me take my writing more seriously and in the end I gained some confidence.
@tetris15 (539)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
I've always wanted to write a book about my life as well and I'm in the same dilemma as yours. But I think writing bits and pieces of whatever you remember is worth writing, should be done once it hit your memory. So always be ready with a pen and paper or your laptop or computer once you remember a good memory you'd like to share with your readers. Keeping a diary is also a good help so you could easily remember and get track of events that happened to you. Good luck!
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
17 Sep 12
Yes it has been one of my dream to one day write a book about my life. But I wonder where will I start, I have got so many memories that I am not sure how much I can actually write. I would want it to be very interesting as well. I will definitely have to look for the help of a professional writer as well.