Who always makes you smile even you are tired or sad?

@blinjk (617)
United States
September 15, 2012 6:25am CST
There are lots of people who can make you feel happy in your saddest and lowest time of your life. When you just look at this person, he or she will put a smile on your face.For me,just by looking at my son.I feel so very happy and I always forget my problems just by being with him.He always wipes all away my tears and makes me strong.How about you guys?
5 responses
1 Oct 12
it's the same with you. when i come home after a tiring day from work, my son will hug and kiss me and that really gives me happiness and inspiration. children are indeed God's blessings..:)
@jopipay (336)
• Philippines
16 Sep 12
My two beautiful nephews:)
• United States
15 Sep 12
My boyfriend is always the one who can make me smile if I'm sad. I could be in the worst mood ever or really angry with him, but he'll do just one little thing he knows will make me laugh and then before I know it, I have a smile on my face even though I didn't want to. I don't know how he does it
@Shavkat (137313)
• Philippines
16 Sep 12
I smile whenever I see my little niece laughing and happy. The family joined together to feel the same joy, having her is a precious moments.
@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
15 Sep 12
For me those people who are surrounded on me, my friends, family and my girlfriend., and ofcourse playing games can make me smile specially listening to some mucis