Affleck's Argo

@eileenleyva (27562)
October 14, 2012 5:09am CST
It's a movie taken out from pages of history, not that quite far back. But you and I were still perhaps children when it happened, or perhaps you were not born yet, and I couldn't remember the 1979 real spy drama that gripped the administration of President Jimmy Carter: Americans held hostage in Iran. What do I remember about Iran then? The Shah was evicted from power. And there was an Ayatollah Khomeini. So now I remember! And quite recently, Iran is making the world jittery with its nuke! But that's another story. Affleck's Argo? Okay, Ben Affleck is directing and acting in that movie all at the same time. He is the CIA, I think, in guise of being a Canadian filmmaker. It was a bad plan, the worse perhaps ever concocted by the CIA. But they pulled it off. Why Argo? Simply, that is in reference to the mythical Greek ship called Argo, commandeered by Jason, on a perilous mission to find the Golden Fleece. No one expected Jason and the Argonauts to succeed, for finding the Golden Fleece is next to impossible. By way of metaphor, nobody also expected the Argo team to come out of Iran alive. They did. Wait and watch, you might not like the clothes back in 79 but the drama will surely keep you at the edge of your seats.
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