Cooking Home meals

@rubyroy (824)
October 19, 2012 9:27pm CST
I used to love cooking and enjoy making variations to existing recipes for bringing a new flavor,I tend to get bored over the same flavor, and tend to make changes to make flavor difference.My husband want the same taste and if their is a flavor variance,he becomes upset.He complains about my cooking to everybody.I hate making the same flavor for my dishes,they taste bland to me.When he cooks,he maintains the same flavor,but after one or two helpings,the remaining food become left overs,which I am forced to finish because the others do not like to have it anymore.Another problem is that my husband makes large quantities,which result in wastage of food.With all these now a days cooking has become a drudgery to me.Do you like to have the same flavor always or like to have a different taste for some dishes to make it more exotic and appetizing?
8 responses
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
I love making experiments with flavors too. I really want spicy foods. So when I cook fried rice, I always put some paprica or spices with it. At home, they always ask me to fry the rice for breakfast. They say it's delicious but for me, it's just my normal way of cooking. I put different kinds of garnish too. It's enjoyable to eat different tasting foods. Nice to experiment so you won't get bored with the old taste.
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@leeandrew (1225)
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
I'm left with a one year baby and two teenager in laws. One is sleeping and the other is outside probably in the computer shop. Ahhh! I know I am in full responsibility for their lunch and dinner. It bogs me to think that these kids are old enough to take care of themselves but their mom did not taught them to be responsible but instead took all the house chore responsibility to herself. So.. I am now don't left alone wondering what would I cook for lunch now. There's nothing in the freezer and also in the cup board. Then there's no one to send to the market to get meat to cook to. Ahh! I don't know what to do. I know how you feel. I once told hubby not to say something about the food I cooked in front of his family. If he doesn't like it I told him to keep quiet. hahaha. But hubby would always appreciate my cooking in front of his siblings even though he doesn't like it that much.
@rubyroy (824)
• India
20 Oct 12
Let us make cooking an adventurous experiment.Invite your teenage in laws to make some dishes to share in the family meal.Even if it is not great cooking encourage them,so that they will take more responsibility.Tell your husband to be frank about your cooking so that you can improve them.Let the teenagers in your household look after your baby while you prepare food for them. Ask them to help you to fetch things from the Market.Thanks for your sharing.
@GemmaR (8517)
20 Oct 12
A lot of people don't bother cooking at home any more, and I think that this is something that is very sad and it is wrong about our culture. More people feel as though it is easier to be able to go out for dinner rather than cooking at home, and this just isn't the case. You can easily make tasty foods from things which don't cost all that much money, and this means that you could almost certainly save an awful lot of cash by simply cooking your own meals rather than by going out and buying food that is already made.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
I like to experiment with my cooking too. I like to mix other ingredients aside from the usual or traditional ingredients on a specific recipe. Even with the taste/flavor- I like to make a little difference from the customary taste. My kids are my best critic -and they love it when it's really good and they frown when it's not
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
21 Oct 12
its really cool and awesome to try out new and different varieties with great taste for sure because we can learn to try new appetite always
• Canada
20 Oct 12
I have a few recipes that I refuse to change, because they taste amazing! But other than that, I'm always looking for new ideas and tips to change up recipes and make them taste different, and exciting. I also like to try and do this with any leftovers as much as I can too, because then, they'll get eaten without wasting any food, and we might just discover something really yummy! My ex-husband always liked his food to taste the same, and often complained when I cooked something differently. He too, started complaining about my cooking, even though he never complained if I cooked how he HE wanted it cooked. This was part of the reason our marriage fell apart.
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
20 Oct 12
It depends, there are certain dishes that I want the original flavor while there some that I want some variety. Mostly my favorites dishes are always cooked and flavored the same way. While those I experiment are those which I don't really like but I am trying to improve.
• United States
20 Oct 12
i hate eating the same flavor of food i like to spice it up a little i cook with different things everyday that i cook i wont allow my husband to cook because his food always taste the same and im not with that