September 5, 2006 6:30am CST
Do you know, what it's like when you can't have children? It's a never ending struccle. You have to accept it, if you want it or not! But it allways feels, that there is something missing in your life.
3 responses
• United States
10 Sep 06
My heart goes out to you. I know it must be a lot of pain for you everyday. I hope things will turn out good for you. My hubby and I lost our first child last year and she was disable and we are talking right now to adopt or to have our own again. It is a very difficult problem to deal with. I will be thinking about you.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
8 Sep 06
There are hundreds of families who have overcome this problem by adopting a child and leading their life happily.
@rainbow (6761)
5 Sep 06
Bless you, I really cannot come close to how you must be feeling. When did you find out, is it really definite? I know it doesn't help but have you thought about fostering or adoption. Maybe you could give all that love to a little person who is as desperate for parents as you are for a child, it will probably not be quite the same but it's better than feeling this upset all the time. I wish I had a magic wand that could bring you happiness!