Today an asteroid will flyby close to earth

asteroid 2012 DA14 simulation - computer image
@Bionicman (3958)
Czech Republic
February 15, 2013 3:01am CST
This evening (UK time), 50 meters diameter asteroid will pass the earth, just 17,100 miles above our heads. There isn't any danger of collision. Even tho the asteroid is as large as half of the football field, it won't be visible with naked eye but you can spot it with binoculars four hours between 18:00 and 22:00 GMT. It is best seen from Australia, Asia and Europe. Live broadcast by NASA will be available with the commentary. Next asteroid that will pass earth this close will be Apophis On 13 April 2029. Apophis will pass Earth closer than the ring of geostationary satellites at an estimated distance of 19,400 miles. It won't break the record set tonight. The next big flyby will be in 2046 so you better not miss it tonight. I've just discovered this because it was on google homepage as a logo. Have you heard about this before and will you watch it? Do you think you can catch it with binoculars or you're gonna watch it on TV or live? Are you afraid of asteroid flying so close to earth?
5 responses
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
15 Feb 13
A meteorite crashed already in Russia today. And they just said another one is coming.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
15 Feb 13!
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
15 Feb 13
I didn't know this when I opened discussion, I only heard about it afterwards on the radio. Pretty crazy
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
15 Feb 13
Here is a better movie :
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
16 Feb 13
I wish I have binoculars so I can see it too. What had bothered me is the news I've read last night about the meteorite strike that left Russia with 700 wounded people... It was just a caption that I saw on my cellphone in a news page in facebook. I haven't read the full story yet.
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
16 Feb 13
There was more than 1200 wounded. Look at the post right above. These videos are crazy.
@aqirock (855)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 13
thanks for this information! I didn't know about this before you post, I have no binocular so I will watch in tv if it's live on tv, who would never afraid? it's lie if noone afraid of this phenomenon, we will ever think will it crash an earth oh who know if it maybe missed path
• India
15 Feb 13
Well I really like to watch it and I hope to see and catch that time as I believe if I catch and after that I make a wish may it come true.
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
16 Feb 13
That's pretty romantic. After reading this, I wanted to do the same but I didn't catch it. Did you?
• Indonesia
15 Feb 13
hopefully not hit the earth..but what happened has happened, let nature determine