What would you like to do in life?

March 8, 2013 2:09pm CST
Don't be shy :) come and share, please! Anything, buy a big garden, fly a plane, it's what you feel is great :) Well I have some set goals and of course fitting in with my random personality I have space in my mind for new things, things I do not even know exist yet, to pursue in the future but here are some things to share with you if you let me :) Love-Well I would love to be married, as in have a happy union with someone I adore and love and be a parent too, as in other words I feel marriage is an optional thing, not a definition of someones relationship but a nice thing to do if you have the right relationship going for you. So I mean I want to get married but understand I may never do, having said that if I do get a good strong relationship it would be perfect for marriage, so I guess there is more than hope! Hobbying careers. (Like my new term?) I have loved writing since I was born more or less! Putting creative ideas down, or explaing how I felt through stories or combining the two, I have written many stories and more recently poems and songs even. Now I am working on 2 main novels after which I have some exciting news-I will start the journey of attempting to find a publisher. But I feel it is important to say that for me it is a love- a great hobby and thus my stories are pure, written freely which is why I am not pursing a publisher now because I do not want a rushed feeling or corruption leaking into my story. It will be relaxed and finish when it does. 4 Months, 2 years, 5 years. I am doing it for the love of writing and to share with people and any money, if any at all is a bonus and I will never write for money. I am just saying this because to me it is important, it does not mean at all that it is wrong to write for money! But that for me it is so important to be relaxed and I have noticed for me, a massive improvement in quality of writing, writing style, ideas etc when I am not seeking to write a story but carrying on with my life and an idea comes, and often I then build the story gradually writing ideas that come when they do then carry on with whatever I was doing and only sitting down, so to speak, to write up when I feel I have enough ideas floating around and it is time to join the dots. This is me, for others it can be different of course :) Philanthropist/Friend/Helper/Teacher- Tying in with my novels that have my messages, beliefs, morals, questions, answers, ideas etc in- In life I am a great promoter of philanthropy, studying minds to learn how to help people-being more aware- what I call true psychology I guess, we often do it everyday in life and important to continue to do so and help others to and many other things. I guess philanthropist is a reached goal as we can be one the second we decide to be. But it is important for me to keep helping everyone, keep promoting new learning, ideas, things I have learnt in life and share them through my novels and other ways. I feel it is vital that we all share what we have learnt and are still learning, to be true teachers and make life a better place for all! Freedom for all. Australia- Well it's quite hard to remember what I thought of/Knew about Australia in the "Pre-Tamsyn" era but I am sure I liked it and it would of appealed to me. But about 5 years ago now, I met a girl online called Tamsyn and since then we have become best friends :) Although our lives have got busy we try to keep in contact as much as we can and meeting up is definitely on the cards sometime. We have talked on the phone, emailes, sent texts, used Skype, wrote letters and oh used Msn for chatting before Skype. We have grown very close and although it has been very hard sometimes, feeling like distance is a cruel thing indeed, like when her Dad sadly died and I (felt) was unable to comfort her, it turns out we underestimated our bond and we got through everything, including that when she told me it didn't matter, talking via email knowing a friend cared for her was enough to help her. But at the same time we are both excited for the day we get to meet in person, starting with a hug :) Her being the greatest gift there of course but also Australia seems a wonderful place does it not? Sooo much vast land, great scenery, amazing animals and nice food no doubt. It seems the perfect place for me to literally stretch my legs and get back into running, everytime I see a picture I can see myself running for miles...I can't wait :D There is so much to do, particuarly along the area of volunteering we are looking in to. Should be fun! BarryVP travelling the world at last! These are just some ideas of some things going on. Please comment, share yours etc :) Thank you for reading.
3 responses
• Marikina, Philippines
8 Mar 13
I read all of it and what makes me realize is all about money. Its true. The money is just a bonus. The important is the passion we had and the love of what we're doing. There is a possibility that we become successful in our hobby and in our passion even if the money is only our second priority.
• Marikina, Philippines
8 Mar 13
Anyway, I want to get married to my male fictional character-oooppsss-just kidding. Nah. I just have many wants and needs in my life, but someday, I would reach all of it. It would need just a little patience.
9 Mar 13
Exactly! That's me too, good summary. I really believe when you focus on things you love, true purpose of life, things that are less important but are needed for living E.G. money will naturally come, like in the example given already of me writing for a passion, someone might see my work and offer me a publishing deal. Haha oh? That would be interesting. Yeah, you will get there for sure. Hold on to them all.
@cmania (207)
• Portugal
8 Mar 13
I would like to reach my goal of a better understanding of human behave. I wouldn´t mind to have a family xDbut tha´s soon to think about it. I would like change myself somehow I want to have the hosue of my dreams hell yeah ! I want to be a metalhead for the rest of my life ? I don´t want to forget it. I don´t want to fear, failure on the rest of my life. I want to know how to draw awesome tribal art ! I want to laugh and to do some crazy experiences. I want to do full contact... this is something very meaningfull for me and i really wish I could do it in my life.
9 Mar 13
Now we have something in common! I am all about psychology, behavioural pattersn etc too, I'm with you its both fun and important to learn for me. Also to help people remember that nothing is set, we should remember we are free to change the language we speak, how we speak and even deeper and more. That's a great goal! Haha, well when the time is right for you it will be nice I am sure Why would you like to change yourself and what? Me too! Invite all your friends, have fun :D Aw I think that hangs over many of us but remember what you have done and what you can still do-anything and everything if you believe it! That sounds nice! Haha yes that's a very important one..never forget life is for living, for doing whatever makes you happy. Full contact? Sorry what do you mean by that?
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
8 Mar 13
There are so many things, from smaller to bigger dreams, in my case. -I wanna get married to my boyfriend. Because he's my soulmate, and I think we would have an amazing marrriage... and I would like to have a beautoful wedding. Not fairytale-like or over-the-top, but pretty, with my boyfriend and me deciding every single detail; but he kind of trusts me with the details... I know that the invitations are going to look like theatre playbills, that the colors are going to be peach, apricot, greyish blues (especially lighter ones) and creams :). -I wanna work in a theat, or at least take part in a theatre play in the background. I love theatre!!!! SO MUCH! -I wanna travel to the US to see a play on Broadway. Enough said :). -I want to travel to Tokyo. Because it seems a fun city, and totally out of my comfort zone and anything that I'm used to... especially inner city crazy Tokyo.
9 Mar 13
Wow thankyou for sharing! Marriage is a lovely thing, that would be so lovely for you! :) They are perfet reasons to get married. Haha wow you have a lot planned already I believe you can make it happen! When the time is right for you of course. Theatre is an exciting arena to be in for sure! All the best with that! Where do you live now then? Yeah that's a neat idea. Tokyo looks so awesome! I would love to go there a well! Uhuh, a big adventure, sounds fun!