Handmade drawing - Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Handmade drawing - Marina Bay Sands, Singapore - Drawing by hand, using colour pencils
April 7, 2013 10:44pm CST
I love drawing ! Ta da ! I drew this just by using colour pencils. You like it ? I hope to sharpen my drawing skills in the near future. Marina Bay Sands, Singapore is one of our famous place of interest . Have you heard of it ? Although I am a Singaporean, I seldom go there. Hehee.. but I love to see the pictures of it posted by my friends who often go there. :)
1 response
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
8 Apr 13
Well i am pleased to hear that u have flair for drawing and i think u should continue this habit in the coming days as well so that u can upgrade your hidden talent. Besides i have heard about Marina and it is really an awesome place that i would love to visit some day. Good luck for your talent!
• Singapore
11 Apr 13
I will try to continue drawing if I have free time. My kids are enough to fill up my days . :) Thanks for the encouragement. If you were to visit here one day and you want to ask for directions, you can message me.