
Jerusalem, Israel
October 25, 2013 3:32am CST
"how-to-be-a-super-popular-guest-when-traveling-abroad-part-1-for-men-women-w-photos"Although one may think visiting monuments/museums & the like, the true measure of an exciting trip is to be invited into the homes of the locals whether in the city or in a rural environment. This is an introduction only as it is a very broad topic. HOW TO PREPARE:You want to be in a really upbeat mood when meeting people for a meal and you want to extend the normal time that you usually sit at a meal because that is the foreign orientation. Try to exhibit your joy and appreciation and enunciate positive responses: “Everything is super delicious!” “I can’t wait to tell my friends how much fun we had at dinner tonite.” If you are one of those people with a sensitive stomach, and you should be clear on this before attempting to eat homemade foreign food, you might want to carry with you a pepto-bismol or its equivalent with you to the dinner. Or, you could also bring a regular Coke to share as this is also widely used to calm stomach issues. To get into rapport with a foreign family, you might want to purchase a cd w/ songs to show your interest in learning their language, culture and customs. WHAT NOT TO WEAR: Women need to have their topside covered with at least a shawl, long sleeves even in the summer is prefereable. Men, shorts are not always so accepted, however; if you insist, why don’t you try the ones that come to cover the knee. WHAT TO BRING: Wine is not always the best option. Melon or a large bag of uncut fruit is always welcome. Nuts and candy may not meet with the family’s o.k. HOW TO INFLUENCE OR SET THE TONE FOR THE EVENING WITH A SPECIAL TOAST:Every family wants to hear: “May you all experience only good health with joy and happiness!” WHAT IS TABOO/NOT DONE EVER AT THE TABLE:If you feel that you are getting sick either from the combination of the foods or the combination of the wine and the food, push your chair back and try to calm yourself down. If you feel that you are about to get sick and is inevetible, ask for the bathroom if you did not already do that upon arrival. Clean up after yourself as best you can if you lose your lunch and apologize profusely. Discontinue all food and beverage intake except for water. The next day, you need to return with packages of wipes and/or a bathroom atomizer. WHAT IF YOU ARE SERIOUSLY LATE? If the situation does not allow for you to call ahead to inform your host you are on the other side of town, try to take a cab or let the people know who set you up with the host family. Continue to try to contact the host family and try to see them in person if you did not make it. They take these things personally and want to know that you are o.k. WHAT IF SOMEONE IS OVERTLY FLIRTING? We need to remind ourselves that we are guests in someone’s home and it is highly likely that we could be misinterpreting an overly friendly host or member of the host family. WHAT IF YOU MEET SOMEONE YOU WANT TO FLIRT WITH? You might find yourself in a situation where it seems you have an “instant rapport” with someone and you want to pursue the relationship. Remember, you are in a festive mood, and it could be that it is the person’s job to speak to you in a certain way. It can seem the person is so interesting you really want to get to know this person. If there is drinking, you may want to even more ‘throw caution to the wind’; however, you could really get into hot water and even be asked to leave the group you are on tour with if your behavior is really offensive to this person. Think about the consequences and although it may seem you only have a limited time to get to know this person, you must have the self-confidence to know, if it is meant to be, time will present itself. Keep your hands to yourself. WHAT IF THE FOOD REALLY DOES NOT AGREE WITH YOU? Talking and drinking can encourage a limited awareness of how the meal is affecting you. Try to move away from the table and sit on the couch for a little while, then, if you can, return to the table. If you are about to lose your lunch, keep a large wad of napkins in your hand. Also, you could be in a home where there is only one bathroom, if this is the case, try to step out the kitchen door to get some fresh air and ground yourself. Think calming thoughts and if you are perspiring, take off your jacket/sweater and allow the body to cool down. WHAT IF YOU DRINK TOO MUCH AND GET SICK? This is very embarrassing for you as well as the host family. They think, as you did, that you know how much you can drink. When you are in a foreign country, thinks process differently. In foreign countries, the use of preservatives is very limited and this changes how your body responds. Also, there are many herbs that are used in their full force, which can be a strange experience for your body. Combining this, with wine or liquor can be lethal to your stomach. There are many people who take a stomach-coating product like Pepto-Bismol to help with addressing the foreign foods and beverages. This might be a good alternative for you.
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