Makati, Philippines
February 8, 2014 5:02pm CST
Getting that diploma on college does not guarantee a good life. The real world is a survival of a battle zone between real and unreal people. Real and Unreal dreams... I was one of those who have positive hopes when I get that paper upon graduation. But here's the thing. I quitted my first job in a shipping line after completion of the project based contract which is eight months. I don't even have a dime to start all over again. Oh, the positive hopes.. Armed again with positivism and back up of a good friend, I was accepted in the company employing encoders. I stayed there for five months. Why? I knew all along that the paycheck I receive will not be enough to buy even my basic needs. Not that I hate my job but i was practical at that time when another opportunity from a bpo company knocks in. So I resigned and did not even look back. Again, letting IN the positivisms, I was employed in a bpO Company. I can say that this was the starting point wherein I learned a lot. I've met people from different walk's of life and have learned different lessons from them. But why am I still not satisfied? That was year 2010 back then... ...When I've realized that I am financial literate. I am a bachelor's degree graduate and yet I don't know anything about my personal finance. I don't even accept that fact. Until I have read a book. Nope. Not rich dad poor dad. I have read that later.. It's Francisco Colayco's 2nd part book "Wealth within your reach" I would'nt want to elaborate on the book in this post. I just want to share that if someone else will talk about insurance, uitf, mutual funds, stock market. I will proudly say that I do understand the term,,,IN A WAY...I can explain them since I do have them.. Basically, personal and financial literacy is a struggle. A struggle within your inner self. A discipline within you. We do have our bucket lists...and financial literacy can help us achieve and check that bucket lists. 1)I have learned that procastination is really a bad habit in personal finance. 2) That we should diversify. My financial literacy grade may not be close to passing, but I want to get there. I still want to know more that is why I kept reading. I kept browsing. What about you? Can you share how financial literate you are today???
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