I Wasn't There (A Reflection)

Bible Story
April 18, 2014 1:49am CST
I wasn’t there… When God created the heavens and the earth I wasn’t there… When God separated the light from darkness, when the Earth had experience its first sunshine and coolness of the night. I wasn’t there… When the Earth was filled with trees and the skies with birds I wasn’t there… When God created the sea creatures and all the livestock creatures and wild animals. I wasn’t there… When God created Adam and Eve and how they fell into temptation. I wasn’t there… When Noah built the Ark and the flood that ended the corruption and violence of His people. I wasn’t there… When Moses raised his staff and stretched out his hand over the sea to divide the water so the Israelites can cross the sea on dry ground. I wasn’t there on the fall of Jericho. I wasn’t there… When Solomon made His wise ruling. I wasn’t there… When Isaiah made His prophecy I wasn’t there… When Jonah was thrown onto the land of Nineveh and when Job was tested. I wasn’t there! Yes, I wasn’t there! yet I BELIEVE. I wasn’t there on the birth of Jesus. I wasn’t there on His baptism. I wasn’t there… When Jesus changed the water to wine, When He heals a paralytic, When He taught Nicodemus about the kingdom of God, When He calmed the storm, When He walked on the water, When He fed the five thousand people, and When He raised Lazarus from the dead. I wasn’t there… When Jesus said all the parables. I wasn’t there… When He performed all the Miracles. I wasn’t there… When Jesus had His last supper, When He was put to trial, When He was disowned by Peter, When Judas betrayed Him, When He was mocked, stoned, and was then crucified. I wasn’t there! Yes, I wasn’t there. I wasn’t there. When Jesus was Resurrected. I wasn’t there… I did not see… Yet I BELIEVE. -shine s-
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