rice is best for you

Fremont, California
April 21, 2014 9:19am CST
Researchers have shown that consumers can improve their diets simply by enjoying white or brown rice as part of their daily meals. In a study, lead author Theresa Nicklas, DrPH, of Baylor College of Medicine, analysed the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey datasets from 2005-2010 and evaluated the association of rice consumption with overall diet quality and key nutrient intakes in a nationally representative sample of 14,386 US adults. Nicklas said their results show that adults who eat rice had diets more consistent with what is recommended in the US Dietary Guidelines, and they showed higher amounts of potassium, magnesium, iron, folate and fibre while eating less saturated fat and added sugars. She said that eating rice is also associated with eating more servings of fruit, vegetables, meat and beans. In addition to the positive results in cross-sectional studies linking rice consumption with healthier diets, a human clinical trial found that having white or brown rice at a meal increased satiety and feelings of fullness more than a calorically equivalent glucose solution control. Considering the cross-sectional and clinical findings, both enriched white rice and whole grain brown rice should be recommended as part of a healthy diet. The study has been published online in the journal Food and Nutrition Sciences.
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