What Is Internet Lifestyle Network ?

Houston, Texas
May 19, 2014 6:00am CST
If you want to understand the Internet Lifestyle Network then here’s the sentence that will do it for you (somewhat): The Internet Lifestyle Network was created to teach everyday people to start a business online by branding themselves. It does this by teaching you cutting edge marketing techniques that are proven to allow you to see results as soon as being implemented, while working on transforming your mindset at the same time so you can begin thinking like an 8-figure earner. The reason I put somewhat in brackets though is because putting the Internet Lifestyle Network in words just isn’t possible. It would be like describing color to someone who was born blind. You have to experience it to truly appreciate it. These trainings are the core of building a long-term and profitable internet marketing business. And all for the ridiculously low price of $37/month. Here’s what you get: A lead-sucking, fully customizable, and super easy to use blog The “Viral 5 ILN Quick Start” Guide – $10k per month – step by step course The Famous 8-Figure Million Dollar Day course (Mark Hoverson’s Blueprint) “DreamScaping” Your New Life with Mark Hoverson (Dream it and they will come) The “Viral Magnet” Daily Promo Strategy (Vincent Ortega Jr’s viral action plan) 8-Figure Facebook Marketing course (free, targeted and high quality leads) ILN’s top affiliate training webinar (learn step by step how the pros do it) Private ILN Facebook Community (chat with millionaire earners daily) So, let’s keep it real. For the same price as 3 meals from McDonalds, you can have the daily business action plan of two of the top internet marketers on the planet, Vincent Ortega Jr. and Mark Hoverson. Who also happen to be the owners of the Internet Lifestyle Network. http://jamesh.internetlifestylenetwork.com/
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