The database includes what knowledge

By zjg
@zjgzjg (12)
Zhengzhou, China
June 3, 2014 8:31pm CST
As a pioneer in the field of relational database and pilot, IBM System completed the R system prototype in 1997, in 1980 to provide integrated database server -- System/38, followed by SQL/DSforVSE and VM, the initial version of SystemR is closely related with the research prototype. DB2 forMVSV1 launched in 1983. The goal is to provide a simple version of this new scheme promised, no data correlation and user productivity. In 1988 the DB2 for MVS provides online transaction processing (OLTP) strong support, in 1989 and 1993 respectively by the remote unit of work and distributed work unit to realize distributed database The recently launched DB2 Universal Database 6.1 is a model of database, is the first to have functions of multimedia database management system, support a range of platforms including Linux.
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