Signs that Your Home’s Insulation Must Be Replaced

, Ohio
June 10, 2014 9:33am CST
Insulation in home helps maintain the temperature by retaining heat within the house and preventing cold air from getting inside. This helps to cut down on the heating costs during the winter months. Updating your home’s insulation will keep every room in your house at a comfortable, steady temperature. A home may require updated insulation if the cooling and heating costs increase or if outside air leaks into the house. It is important to determine how often insulation should be updated in your home. Most older homes are notorious for insufficient insulation and are not energy efficient. These homes are prone to retaining warm air during the summer while absorbing cold air in the winter. There is no one rule for how often a home’s insulation should be replaced, but if any of the following signs shows up, then you should consider calling in a professional for assistance. Inconsistent Temperatures It is difficult for the untrained person to tell determine which insulation needs to be updated. If you have difficulty keeping your home cool despite using the air conditioner constantly, you may need to have your insulation replaced. All forms of insulation lose effectiveness over time, causing your energy bills to increase due to heat loss or gain. Insulation in older houses often becomes generally less effective, but new cellulose insulation can last several decades, up to 30 years. Larger Utility Bills If you your utility bills are steadily increasing, you will need to replace your home’s insulation. Make sure your insulation technician is a certified energy professional that has the skills and knowledge to test for, identify and fix any air leakage before upgrading the insulation in your home. High Humidity Rate If your home is in an area of frequent storms or high humidity, then replacing your insulation is a good idea as it will prevent moisture from getting inside your home. It is advisable to add insulation to garages, crawlspaces and walls. An improperly insulated attic will allow cool air to escape from your home, so adding more insulation to the attic can help you save more energy. A qualified technician can perform an energy assessment of your home and help you to reduce your utility bills with energy-efficient, professionally installed home insulation -
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