Instant Communication and Some Things that Have Changed Because of It

June 18, 2014 10:32pm CST
Instant communication has changed everything kind of relationship from personal to professional. The landscape of business, in particular, has shifted dramatically due to the onset of instant communication. Not only are businesses catering more to the idea of instant gratification, but the way businesses operate has changed. One way we've seen this change occur is with website feedback. The ability to leave instant public reviews for businesses has dramatically altered the way that many businesses handle complaints. The onset of instant communication has made many businesses accessible in ways that were previously unimaginable. Many businesses are finding that instant public feedback for their campaigns and products is of more use to them than a slew of market analysts. This type of close social relationship between customers and business has the added benefit of making customers feel as though they have a voice. Another way that we have seen instant communication have a serious impact on business is through the infinite accessibility of staff and management. This change falls in both the plus and minus categories. The plus is that it is great for business. Staff and management are reachable virtually at all times, and performance can be closely monitored and evaluated. The downside of this is obvious for anyone who has ever worked an on-call shift. What is good for the business is not necessarily good for the people running and working for the business. Being available at all times can be stressful, but the reality is that nearly everyone has a cellular phone now and is consequently expected to be available at all times. Another factor in instant communication that can be viewed as either a downside or an upside has to do with office chatter. Many businesses communicate on an interior level through instant messaging, texting, and e-mails. All of these mediums have a tendency to drag out exchanges somewhat, despite being time savers over all. While the exchanges are being dragged out, chit chat often occurs and it can be very difficult to tell in text whether someone is being facetious or sarcastic. This can lead to all sorts of inner office drama that would be avoided through face to face contact. Another aspect is that extended exchanges tend to sap professionalism from conversations. It is easy to become over familiar with someone you are in constant contact with and lose the professional demeanor that is necessary for most businesses to run smoothly. But nonetheless, the latest communication technology has opened the door to more efficient systems and opportunities to do more from more locations. It’s quite remarkable. However, with more communication comes for bills for the service, and more bills for the business to manage. That’s where Linq Services helps.
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