Have you ever used Linux? Or you a Linux user?

Linux Penguin :) - This is Tux, the Linux mascot. He basically represents Linux, just how the Windows flag represents the Windows OS.
United States
November 23, 2006 11:18am CST
I have, and I use it occasionally, especially when Windows dies out on me. It's not too different from Windows (well the modern linux versions), it has most programs similar to Windows and they are all free. However, your Windows Games won't work on it at the moment (but they are trying to develop a program that will be able to run them). If your a Linux user (use it as a main OS) then say what version you use. I usually use Slax.
8 responses
@macubx (11414)
• Philippines
23 Nov 06
yes i have already use Red Hat..
• United States
23 Dec 06
Nice, good to see that there's some users out there.
• India
23 Nov 06
i do not use presently. but i will certain try it at some point of time. thanks for the information.
• United States
23 Dec 06
You should give it a chance, just use a live CD like slax, go to http://www.slax.org/download.php
@istanto (8548)
• Indonesia
24 Nov 06
Im using openbsd for my router.
• India
23 Nov 06
of course.currently typin from ubuntu..ubuntu+xgl will smoke vista+aero
@cnetboss (2475)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
wp - ubuntu 6.06
I'm using Ubuntu 6.06 right now. Windows sucks big time
@jolala (70)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I'm using Ubuntu as well (not sure which version - have to ask hubby). We installed it when Windows crashed and we couldn't reinstall. I prefer Mac but until we have the $$ for one of those, we're using this.
@asif700 (1267)
• Pakistan
23 Nov 06
• Italy
23 Nov 06
i never used it