How to decide car rental in Iceland

car rental in Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland
March 17, 2015 1:10am CST
Wondering whether or not to go for a car rental in Iceland? Some folks think Iceland is but a block of ice and there can’t be much to see so why rent a car in Iceland right? They couldn’t be more mistaken because Iceland a place of stunningly beauty. Being badly informed, most visitors hire cabs because they tend to stick to the capital totally ignoring the most memorable sights that lie further afield. But think, a metered taxi from the airport to Reykjavík costs about ISK17,000 whereas for the same price (or less) you can rent a car for the whole day and not only go around the capital but also visit some stunning places that will guarantee you some fabulous pictures to show to your friends back home. Is car rental in Iceland really that cheap? Truth is it depends from where you rent you car in Iceland. If for example, you visit the Hertz car rental then you need to be prepared to shell out a lot more. But if you visit which is a car rental website for Iceland, you can rent a car for as low as ISK 10,000/- a day. How do they manage it? Well, is a website put together by people in Iceland who are willing to rent out their well maintained car and since they operate out of a website, they have virtually no overheads to recover from the customer so you the customer, stands to gain. Renting a car from Renting a car in Iceland is easy-breezy. Just visit the site, select the car you want to rent, pay the retainer fee, and meet the car owner at the pre-agreed location which usually is your hotel. The owner will give you a standard cheapest car rental in iceland agreement to sign and that’s about it. You return the vehicle to owner with roughly the same amount of fuel as when you took it. Nothing could be simpler. A rented car offers the most flexibility for travel around Iceland. Even the ferries allow individuals to bring their own car with them. For a relatively cheap price you can Peer-peer car rental Reykjavik or a four-wheel drive vehicle inclusive of basic car insurance. If you are going to travel on rough roads, you might want to consider additional insurance to protect against damage from gravel or other common mishaps. Rent a 2-Wheel Drive or a 4-Wheel Drive in Iceland? The answer depends on where you to go. You can visit the majority of Iceland’s sights with a simple 2-wheel drive vehicle, but if you are interested in venturing into the interior or to places such as Landmannalaugar, a 4-wheel drive would be a better option. Also, if travelling long distances, rather than having 4 or 5 in a single rental vehicle, it is better to rent two vehicles. It might be more expensive but it is safer because the terrain can get pretty rough in places and also, the weather can turn foul in no time at all. If one vehicle gets stuck while say crossing a river bed, the other could attempt to pull it out. Points to remember: After Rent car in iceland, drive on the right side of the road. Driver and passengers have to wear seat belts also the headlights have to be switched on at all times. There is one main highway, Route 1-Ring Road, that encircles the country. Enjoy
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