What Do You Think of the Hackers Called Anonymous?

@suziecat7 (3350)
Asheville, North Carolina
November 27, 2015 2:15pm CST
They have waged a digital war against ISIS and recently replaced the terrorist group's website with a Viagra ad. They wear Guy Fawkes masks and have members from all over the world. Their goals are still unclear to me. I know they are government watchdogs and activists. They oppose Internet censorship. Other than that, I don't know much about them but if they messed up the ISIS website, they are okay in my book. What do you all think about Anonymous? Photo (Creative Commons)
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6 responses
@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
27 Nov 15
History should have taught us to be careful who we get into bed with when waging a war.
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@suziecat7 (3350)
• Asheville, North Carolina
27 Nov 15
True - I don't like war of any kind.
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@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
27 Nov 15
@suziecat7 The west backed Saddam Hussein because they didn't like Iran. They backed the Taliban to get the Russians out of Afghanistan. They backed Gaddaffi because he was a rather more secular leader than his neighbours (ignoring that he was an evil, violent despot who treated his people any way he wanted to. And of course, they baked Assad until they didn't and then they did again. Here we go all over again.
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@suziecat7 (3350)
• Asheville, North Carolina
27 Nov 15
@boiboing - You're right, of course. It's all about politics and money with little thought to the sometimes dire consequences.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
27 Nov 15
If you ever have watched the show Mr Robot then you'd know these guys mean business and i am all on their side!!
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@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
27 Nov 15
I think it was a Jamaican myLotter called @Tallawah who first brought this name to my attention. I really don't know much about them. Will have to do some research!
@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
28 Nov 15
@tallawah Right on Anonymous. As long as they keep away from govt. sites they could keep their freedom and do some good1
@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
27 Nov 15
And a digital war is far better than a real one!
@SWAP0768 (88)
• Lucknow, India
30 Nov 15
what exactly you think of ISIS, a few Arabs who live in cave and have handed weapon to wage a war, they are highly trained and technologically advance they have group of hackers and people who keep track on nations. anonymous is just talk, i dont think they will do anything in near future
• Dallas, Texas
29 Nov 15
I frequently find myself rooting for Anonymous. In this instance, doubly so. Anything that handicaps DAESH (as I prefer to call ISIS or ISiL) is good in my book. The digital attacks can have very long range effects.