Inside Out: Why are Riley's emotions not seated like her parents?

Orlando, Florida
December 5, 2015 9:15pm CST
So for everyone out there who has seen the Disney movie Inside Out, I wanted to get a conversation going. So you know how Riley's emotions are always up and all over the place while both of her parents emotions are always seated and ready to go? Well I have a little theory as to why! Maybe its because when you're grown you make decisions while accounting for all of your well developed emotions. As to when you're young one single emotion can determine an answer and you arent really familiar with your emotions and you're still learning them one at a time. Like when you grow up your emotions get blended together and you learn how to account for them all and your emotions make decisions as a group. Anyone get what im saying? Or do I just need to go blaze up x.x....
1 response
@VivaLaDani13 (60754)
• Perth, Australia
6 Dec 15
haha I think I know what you are saying. Riley was just a young girl and still learning and experiencing different things in life. Where as the parents would have been through way more than their daughter has been. I loved that movie so much but was a real tear jerker for me. And Sadness is so friggen adorable I swear!
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