Recalling the End of Hatred surrounding the Cold War in 1979 & Why we Need to do it yet Again!

Adelaide, Australia
December 15, 2015 4:31am CST
Can you remember the days? The Vietnam War was over, but still the fear & hatred against Russia & China lingered on throughout large sections of society; outside of the protest marches, students & those who educated themselves. The politics down here was very much socialist from about 1972 up until 1975 on the federal scene, but it was different from state to state. ABBA had come & gone by about 1979, never to return, or so they say. The media was stirring up fear, racism & hatred towards Chinese & Russians - or more broadly about Communism in general. But there were still, for those who looked for them, culture-lead examples that forced us to think for a bit about the outright lies being rammed down our throats... One such example showed us in song when the 1979 winner of the Euro-vision Song Contest, Dschinghis Khan (Genghis Khan) came out with their hit Moskau (Moscow) In that same year, Carl Douglas came out with his big hit, Kung Fu Fighting And in another recent version, you can see him still performing it even better by himself today! As I saw it at the time, both of these aided our shift in consciousness upward to learn to question the rubbish forced upon us by those who we thought knew better, and therefore think of our neighbours more highly. And so the time has come yet again where suspicion, sanctions, trial-by-media, dis-information & outright lies to suit an imperialist agenda are saturating the media & being copied + passed on without a thought. So where are those in the music/film/arts industry who will stand up for what they know is right & good today? Well, most of us here would know the answer to that one, but still, it would be refreshing to see it happening again.
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1 response
@gudheart (12659)
16 Dec 15
I wish more famous people would stand up for the right thing instead of being afraid of the backfire.
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• Adelaide, Australia
16 Dec 15
Methinks the consequences behind the scenes of doing so are far too great to even think about. But it's such a pity it has come to this. You have some really good artists in the UK who are totally independent of all that. It would be encouraging to see things being called out for what they were!