Big Decisions Ahead

@mrtoffee (1522)
March 11, 2016 7:29am CST
I am in a very strange position at the moment, as there is a possible job change opportunity on the cards that see me add £9,000, which is roughly $13,000 to my annual salary. The problem is I am unsure whether this opportunity is for me or not, yes the extra money would be nice, but I am comfortable where I am and like most people I am not a fan of changing jobs. My career has stagnated a little over the last few years, so a change my bring it back to life, bout the organisation the possible new job is with is in a constant state of change, meaning that it might not be that secure. Oh what should I do, part of me want to take the leap of faith and see where this opportunity leads and part of me just wants to carry on living a simple and secure life where I am. What would you do? would you go for the money and the new opportunity or would you stick with safe and secure?
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5 responses
@LadyDuck (462007)
• Switzerland
11 Mar 16
It's hard to say not knowing all the details. Changing job is always a risk. You should evaluate all the advantages of the new jobs and the potential risks and then decide. I think that the most important thing to check, is how solid and safe is the company where you should start your new job.
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@LadyDuck (462007)
• Switzerland
11 Mar 16
@mrtoffee I think that a government job is surely interesting, you risk nothing there.
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@mrtoffee (1522)
13 Mar 16
@LadyDuck that's my wife's view
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@mrtoffee (1522)
11 Mar 16
It would be a government job @ladyduck so safe, although the department are going through a lot of changes.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
11 Mar 16
See it depends upon what you want.You want to earn more right?If you feel that 1. that place can make you earn good, a comfortable place to work, 3.the time hours are flexible, then you can give it a call. Yet if you feel you are more secure where you are working currently,feel secure and satisfied with what you are earning right now then don't change the job.I would say do what you feel from the deepest of your heart and be careful after making your decision as in that decision should never make you regret and you should be proud and feel contented by the same.Give yourself time and think wisely.
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@mrtoffee (1522)
11 Mar 16
thanks for the sage advice @shubhu3
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
11 Mar 16
@mrtoffee You are welcome.
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@cherriefic (10400)
• Philippines
12 Mar 16
It depends on your priorities.For me, I'll go for the change and
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@JudyEv (328153)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Mar 16
This is a hard one. One consideration for me would be what would the damage be if the new job fell over - how hard to get employment somewhere else, etc. Good luck with whatever decision you go for.
• United States
11 Mar 16
Take a leap but leave on good standing with your current company. Be diplomatic and generous in your comments about the company's management of your current employer, in case you need to return.