Would you like to be forever young?

By bong
@deadreak (653)
Dagupan City, Philippines
December 6, 2016 7:34am CST
As you know, The passage of time is something that happens and you can not hide. As the time passes by, you start to feel older, you get wrinkles,gray hair will come out, and all that you though was life is now dissolved. Your youth has gone, and it won't come back. Sometimes I fell stressed about this, I don't like to be old, I want to live, and I enjoy live, so I'd like to be young forever, I do not mean 100 or 1000 years, but to live as a young until the day I die. Have you had this feeling? What do you think about it? Would you like to be forever young?
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22 responses
• Agra, India
6 Dec 16
For me it is not the numbers that matter.. As long as I'm fit, healthy , doing my work and enjoying life I'm happy
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
yeah right, better enjoy the life that we had.
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• Agra, India
6 Dec 16
@deadreak that's the true spirit
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
6 Dec 16
Very true...
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Dec 16
I want to look and feel young, but I don't want to be young again. I like the age I'm at.
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Dec 16
@deadreak I will.
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
just keep smiling.
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@alexjessi (1033)
• Hanoi, Vietnam
18 Jul 18
I just like to look young, I don't want my age is young. LOL #alexjessi
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@alexjessi (1033)
• Hanoi, Vietnam
18 Jul 18
@deadreak Forever To see many interesting things happening on earth #alexjessi
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
18 Jul 18
Yeah, how long you want to stay on earth?
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
18 Jul 18
@alexjessi haha that would be sad for you, its hard to see a lot of things passes.
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@MissNikki (5237)
• Maple Ridge, British Columbia
6 Dec 16
I would like to keep my youthful looks but grow wiser with age ... LoL
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
isn't it true that as you grow old you'll more wise? keep smiling so your youthful looks last long.. smile
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• Angeles City, Philippines
7 Dec 16
I feel the same way as you do. I just celebrated my birthday recently, I am now in my twenty years of age and I feel so old because I wanna be forever teen. But you know what, when I was in my younger days, let's say 15. I wanna grow up fast as I could because I was thinking if, I would be able to do the things adults do.but now, that thought has changed. Being in the right age responsibilities affiliates however, life is precious, we must thank God for he is good and he has gave us another year in our lives. By all means, our lives are just barrowed and anytime this will be taken away and has to be in the real owner.
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• Angeles City, Philippines
7 Dec 16
@deadreak yes, I guess we are not few whose hoping this kind of thing. Don't you think so?
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
7 Dec 16
@Cjairah04 yes for sure. That is why we treasure every memories that we had
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
7 Dec 16
We had a same thinking when i was young, but feels you wanna stop the time specially when in good time, feel we want to get stuck on that moment.
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@Kandae11 (54851)
6 Dec 16
If you stress too much about it you will become old before your time.Everyone, I suppose would like to find that secret formula for staying young. Of course, the lifestyles some of us lead would greatly affect the way we age. I have seen seventy year olds looking like they're in their forties.
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@Kandae11 (54851)
6 Dec 16
@deadreak Sorry, I don't have it, but I do think lifestyle including diet affects how we age - whether negatively or positively.
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
Go for it doctor! I thinka lot of people will find you to ask that formula.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
14 Dec 16
No , because i know people have their chances to live to the fullest so they also have the time to rest already .
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
14 Dec 16
@deadreak precisely .
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
14 Dec 16
And one thing comes in my mind what if it doesn't come to become old, how can i know to how become an old man. And i know there is full of sadness because you'll see you family passes and your still alive you will still seek for there presence.
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@LeaPea2417 (37339)
• Toccoa, Georgia
7 Dec 16
I wish sometimes I could go back to how I looked and felt 20 years ago.
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
7 Dec 16
It come in our mind right? We can not deny that.
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@1creekgirl (41152)
• United States
6 Dec 16
I really wouldn't want to stay on this earth forever, even if I could stay young. I'm looking forward to Heaven!
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@1creekgirl (41152)
• United States
7 Dec 16
@deadreak Amen, brother!
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@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
7 Dec 16
@deadreak I prefer being happy in the here rather than in the hereafter.
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
We are living for God that is real purpose of our life , to fullfill what he want, so that we will live supremely happy in the next
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@saurabhrmp (2283)
• Hyderabad, India
6 Dec 16
I think everyone wants to be young forever so that we looks good and not depend on any one.
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• Hyderabad, India
6 Dec 16
@deadreak ; yeah exactly specially women. Men sometimes leaves hair and beard white but women won't
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
yeah a lot wants to be young. That's why they hide their age every time someone is asking.
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@Ayuriny (5144)
• Denpasar, Indonesia
6 Dec 16
Getting old is the most natural thing.. No one can stay young for the whole life. I don't want to be forever young. I need to know how is being old like...
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@Ayuriny (5144)
• Denpasar, Indonesia
7 Dec 16
@deadreak No...I don't want being immortal.
@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
unless you're an immortal.
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
6 Dec 16
Younger looking and feel strong is enough... If we stay at the same age, how could we experience these lovely days... Kids, family, etc....
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
7 Dec 16
@deadreak yes.. You got it
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
I got it, there is advantage and disadvantage of being young forever
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@shaynas (5487)
• India
7 Dec 16
I don't feel same, in fact i want to grow old and retire :)
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@shaynas (5487)
• India
7 Dec 16
@deadreak yeah... i do. I feel every stage of our life is beautiful.
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
7 Dec 16
that's good is means you accept what is God creations.
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• New Delhi, India
6 Dec 16
Carlos.... did you just find the fountain of youth... :) You have one life , I believe we should live each day as it was our last....I don't know weather Iight be there tomorrow to again appriciate your post but now that I am here to day.... I thank you for bringing this up and making me remember the importance of living in today.... Keep shining and sharing.... :)
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• New Delhi, India
6 Dec 16
@deadreak Carlos.... Just give your son the love and care everyday that he deserves.... don't let this aspect of life wait for a latter date....Just don't miss these moments with him... God bless you both and you guys have a long long life together.... Keep shining and sharing.... Happiness Always.... :)
@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
@Magicweaver1 Thank you.
@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
I need the map to find where's the fountain of youth located. It just come in my mind while i'm staring my son. I'm asking how long will i see my son, If i can reach to his children. Its because we can not predict life right.. and i always pray that before i leave this world my son can stand alone. Its not emotional see i'm smiling
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• Pamplona, Spain
6 Dec 16
No would not like to be young forever and ever. It might be fun to get to middle age and stay that way or maybe not
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
Yeah, there is advantage and disadvantage of being young forever.
@Meramar (2695)
6 Dec 16
You are so young as you feel. To get older doesn't mean that you have to feel old. It depends of the spirit you have. But I don't wish to stay for ever young as each generation has got its own secrets.
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
7 Dec 16
Yeah i quit at the youth group in our church at the age of 28 usaully youth group are only 13 to 25 something like that i'm not sure. It becuase i still feel one of them that time. I just feel young.
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@CoolPeace (1566)
• Miami, Florida
6 Dec 16
I want to keep the youthful appearance and health.
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
7 Dec 16
Some go to the sugeon to do that, but to much expensive. So never mind.
• United States Minor Outlying Islands
6 Dec 16
Just think of yourself and older and wiser. I would personally like to think I have learned a few things in life with age. Wouldn't you?
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
yes a lot It just come in my mind while i'm staring my son. I'm asking how long will i see my son, If i can reach to his children. Its because we can not predict life right.. and i always pray that before i leave this world my son can stand alone. Its not emotional, see i'm smiling
6 Dec 16
What is the essence of life, if you want to be young forever? You won't experience, what is the feeling of being old, being weak and how to be respect by young people.
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@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
the essence of life is to live forever.
6 Dec 16
that would be soooo perfect, imagine being forever young...you could do whatever you want anytime you want without knowing that you are growing old and that stuff doesn t "fit" you anymore :))
@deadreak (653)
• Dagupan City, Philippines
6 Dec 16
yeah right, welcome to mylot, enjoy and share your thoughts