is it worth doing engineering??

By mira
January 11, 2017 4:43am CST
Number of engineers are increasing day by day especially in India. But i wonder if all of them will get jobs?? Does india have enough companies to provide employment?? Sometimes engineers get salary less than a normal graduate. Moreover fees for engineering are too high. And science is not everyones cup of tea.
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7 responses
11 Jan 17
Engineer might not get a job or a good job but talent will get. So if you have talent you can opt for it.
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@Kandae11 (53919)
11 Jan 17
Some may take jobs overseas where their skill may be needed.
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13 Jan 17
I don't think it is the issue with doing engineering but it is with the quality of education an engineer gets through that 4yr experience..... We should all accept one thing that our engineering education doesn't have sufficient resources like dedication, passion and more importantly awareness of employment and what not most of us stuck there for our parents..... Sad but true fact...
@Gauresh_ (64)
• India
11 Jan 17
Engineering is a good career to opt for if you do it in right manner and learn things/concepts in a right manner. There're lot of misconception about enginnering in India, This is because Technical institutes in India are failing to produce skillful engineers though exceptions are always there. Skills is only thing that industry requires, if you aint't having appropriate skills , Not even a single organisation is gonna Hire you. so the point of conclusion is If you study right thing in a right manner, Nothing could stop you from gaining employability.
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@The_sparx (289)
11 Jan 17
Engineering is worth if you are an IITian
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11 Jan 17
You are right Mira. Engineering is not easy. More over practical knowledge is must. Therefore if there is lack of knowledge degree does no good and you end up with some job that any graduate does. So better choose wisely.
11 Jan 17
It also depends on college and the branch. Computer science people tend to get jobs work at home. For mech people it is only possible for cad. For electriacal its matlab nd all. But for rest you can not work at home.