Does motivational stuffs are effective?

February 16, 2017 9:13pm CST
I have a habbit of goggling many things related to life and how to get rid of tensions how to start something new and how to make myself positive towards life but I wonder do we really learn something from that stuff or we just read it today and forget it the other day.
2 responses
@missjackie (1358)
• Ypsilanti, Michigan
17 Feb 17
If you're looking to motivate yourself, I have a few tips. For starters, make small goals. Creating a huge goal is asking for disaster. Small goals and small steps might not sound like a good plan, but trust me. They work. After each completion of a small goal, reward yourself. After each small goal, eventually, you'll see that they all add up.
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17 Feb 17
start making small goals from today only ....and after one month i will again give a write up for the change in me for the solution i tried to myself ,if its been effective
@flpoolbum (2978)
• United States
17 Feb 17
@MissJackie. ~Excellent advice! I have big goals that I mentioned in my previous post. I break the goals down into more easily achievable goals. I gave myself a BIG GOAL, but made smaller, more easily accessable goals short term. My first goal was losing weight. I took it in five pound increments and continually walking further and more often. This time, I got use to the walking and then I dug out an old backpack and would walk to and from the grocery store carrying the groceries in my backpack. Now that I'm weight training again, a big goal is not to get hurt. So I started with really light weights and then gradually increase the weight. I've been starting and stopping and starting over for decades. I got out of the habit for about a week again. Time to give it another go!
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@flpoolbum (2978)
• United States
17 Feb 17
I have lost about 50 pounds over the last 18 months. Now, I want to get toned and add some muscle. Before, my idea of exercising was the Cheetos Curl and the cupcake lift. I took pictures of men with a physique similar to what I want and write uplifting reminders to myself. I have used similar methods to motivate myself in other areas. It seems to be working, most of the time anyway. I'll include an example that I put on my refrigerator. I use the @Phonto app and @InstaQuote to put the writing on the pics.
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17 Feb 17
great job that needs a much of dedication