Peter Skellern RIP

Preston, England
February 17, 2017 6:14pm CST
2017 is in danger of competing with the previous year in claiming the lives of some highly talented entertainers. Today saw the death of singer, song-writer Peter Skellern who brought intelligent lyrics to 1970’s love songs that sounded as if they came from the 1940’s, as with his sublime brass band accompanied 1973 number, You’re A Lady. He also recorded a great album of Fred Astaire cover songs appropriately called Astaire. He was also the lead singer of a folk combo called Oasis with Mary Hopkins, though the name would soon be associated with a more famous Manchester band (Skellern was from Bury in Greater Manchester). He also created a number of comedy songs with co-composer Richard Stilgoe. Skellern spent his last few years suffering from an inoperable brain tumour and was granted his lifelong wish to be ordained as a priest just before his death, but it is his wonderful distinctive timeless music that will always be his greatest legacy to the World. Skellern’s You’re A Lady on Youtube Arthur Chappell
Peter Skellern - You're a Lady 1973 Now the evening has come to a close And I've had my last dance with you On to the empty streets we go And it might be my ...
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4 responses
• Bournemouth, England
18 Feb 17
I wondered what had happened to him. We've been discussing John Peel in another thread. It was a pleasant surprise in 1975 when he regularly played Peter Skellern's single Hold On To Love on his show and probably helped it to become his second hit.
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• Preston, England
18 Feb 17
it was another of his great recordings @asfarasiknow
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Feb 17
Was that Mary Hopkins of Those Were the Days fame?
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• Preston, England
18 Feb 17
@JohnRoberts yes, that's her
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• Midland, Michigan
18 Feb 17
It's late here, but tomorrow maybe I'll remember to borrow my husband's earphones to listen to this one. I remember a song with the same title that Tom Jones used to sing, but I'm not sure if those are the same lyrics or not. One of the reasons so many might be dying is they are getting older. I met someone today that was buying groceries that is originally from England and said he was raised near where you're living now. He moved over here to Michigan about ten years ago for his job. Eventually he'll return back home again. I recognized his accent which prompted our conversations.
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@KristenH (33362)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
18 Feb 17
I never heard of him. Indeed, it's sad news. One week after we lost Al Jarreau.
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