Life cannot be labeled or tagged to any particular religion. Life is just life.

March 6, 2017 7:40am CST
From my own experience I see that life works in its own way and the more we are in tune with life, the more we flow with life, the more we tend to experience more and more happiness. This has nothing to do with any so-called religion or beliefs because truth is universal and life does not follow any religion or belief system. For example, there is no such thing as a christian life or a hindu life, its just life. The same goes with love, happiness, truth, sadness, suffering or anything else. There are no religious "tags" that we can attach to them because they just as they are. What are your thoughts on this?
2 responses
• Kolkata, India
6 Mar 17
I agree with you . There is one and only religion to me, humanism. nothing else! There are many opinion, many ways... but all joined to that one point.
6 Mar 17
We are all human BEings, not human doing's that is why is all about humanism, each one wants to be happy and to love and be loved and respected. At least every human has this in common.
6 Mar 17
I agree. But sometime other are streotypes. When one country or ethnicity cause truoble to other countries they are labeling that entire population as terrorist or something but it. Shouldnt be like that. Even inside the hlise as one family everybody is different and unique on there own ways. Right?
6 Mar 17
That is true, everyone is unique and each one has his or her own journey to go through and the phase of that journey is also different. Its true that labeling is happening which should not be because not everyone acts the same or thinks the same, it is unfair to put everybody in one box and label them, right?