what do you do when you see people that you should know but you forgot their names?

@delhshop (769)
March 25, 2017 8:40am CST
its so embarrassing if you see someone you know but you forget where you met them or what their names are if it happen to me shyly i ask sorry what was your name?
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7 responses
@DianneN (247205)
• United States
25 Mar 17
It is embarrassing. Sometimes I am honest and tell them I forgot their name, and other times I just talk. Lol!
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@delhshop (769)
25 Mar 17
yes it is, that is what we do to, thanks for commenting
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@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
25 Mar 17
I kind of feel embarrassed to ask their names and so just try to get the conversation going?
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@delhshop (769)
25 Mar 17
yes that is how we try to do, but they i never get away with it, they knew it alwayys
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@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
25 Mar 17
@delhshop oh yes the mind just plays tricks with us at time. And at times it is only after having met the person that i remember their names
@delhshop (769)
25 Mar 17
@Nawsheen perfect explaination that what happend with us, good words
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• Bridgton, Maine
25 Mar 17
Since I still live in the town that I grew up in, sometimes I'll run into friends from back in my high school days that I haven't seen in years. I graduated high school way back in 1997. So if I see someone I used to go to school with and they know who I am, I may not recognize them right way since they look different that they did twenty years ago. So if they say "Hey, Mike, how have you been?" I just ask them what their name is. And when they tell me their name, then I'll realize who they are, and I'll typically say, "Hey I remember you! How have you been?"
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@delhshop (769)
25 Mar 17
good piont and nicely smooth talking, its not shame to forget thanks mike for comminting
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@cintol (11261)
• United States
1 Apr 18
That happens to me quite often anymore, sometimes I wait and see if someone says it
@tzwrites (4835)
• Romania
25 Mar 17
I try to make conversation even though I don't remember the name but I pretend I know.
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@delhshop (769)
25 Mar 17
hhhhh it happend to me and we talked at the end she called me by my name to write my number and i had to ask her name at teh end, couldnt sneak out of this situations
@Starmaiden (9311)
• Canada
1 Apr 18
I was never good with remembering people's names. It is embarrassing when you meet someone and they look very familiar and they are talking to you like a long lost friend and you're just staring at them thinking; "Who are you?" :-P
@Shavkat (137312)
• Philippines
27 Mar 17
I will just smile.